~Strip~ (HaJeongwoo 2/2)

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Haruto never looked forward to going to school as much as he did that morning, the first morning where Jeongwoo was not there to wake him up. He woke up late, with a strong headache. It took him a while to accept the fact that he was alone in their room, that Jeongwoo had left him the last day, or to be more accurate- that Jeongwoo's cousin took him away.

Haruto managed to take some meds, wash his face and run out to to reach school on time. He would never miss the opportunity to meet Jeongwoo there, and he did. When he managed to enter into the classroom ten minutes after the teacher had arrived, he found that Jeongwoo was not in his usual seat, the seat beside Haruto. He had changed with someone else, sitting at the very back of the classroom with all the seats surrounding him occupied by students Haruto did not like. He kept staring at Jeongwoo who accidentally met eyes with him, but looked away the moment after. So he intentionally chose to sit far from the Japanese. Haruto understood.

Yet after the first class, he swapped seat with the one beside his dear friend.

"Jeongwoo?" Haruto called. The younger who realized that his friend wished to make up sighed in frustration. He was not in the mood to talk to someone who never valued his feelings.

"Psst. Hey?" Haruto called again, Jeongwoo gave him a cold shoulder. Haruto planned to go stand close to him, but the next teacher arrived. So, he had to settle with throwing a small roll of paper, where he clearly wrote 'I'M SORRY.'

Well, Jeongwoo didn't even unfold it. He sat as if nothing had happened, as if the teacher's words were suddenly the most interesting. Haruto tried to grab his attention for a few more minutes, but in vain. Jeongwoo was adamant. Even when the Japanese stood beside him, poked him, tickled him, Jeongwoo stayed mad at him, annoyed and highly uninterested. It bummed the elder, but what could he do? He was the one to hurt the other first.

During lunch time, when Jeongwoo usually takes seat beside Haruto, decided to sit with some other friends of his- from different classes. While Haruto had no problem butting in, Jeongwoo made sure he did not, by requesting him with, "Haruto, please, stay away from me." Haruto wasn't one to listen, but there was desperation and sorrow in that tone of voice, that churned his insides in sympathy and guilt. He watched his friend leave him, for some other random friends. Depressed, he sat with the one that was left, Kim Doyoung.

"Damn! You look like a broken man." Joked Doyoung the moment Haruto showed up. The latter only sighed in reply. The silence from his part worried Doyoung. "Did something happen?" He asked.

"It's Jeongwoo. He's not talking to me." Replied the Japanese.

"Because of what you did that night?" Doyoung asked again. Haruto gave a small nod.

"Well, it's understandable. You must have hurt his pride." Spoke Doyoung as casually as he could.

"What can I do to make up? He even left the room, you know!" Haruto asked in frustration. "He won't accept my apologies either."

"Whoa, really?" Doyoung asked in surprise, "I thought he's in love with you, why would he be so mean all of a sudden?"

"He even asked me to stay away from him!"

"Damn! Where is he staying now?"

"To his cousin's place." Haruto said. Doyoung nodded, "Then I suggest you give him some time to cool off. Give him space. He'll eventually forgive you."

"I can't, Doyoungie! It kills me to think he won't talk to me!"

"He will!" Doyoung insisted, "But you have to wait. Or else, it's gonna get worse."

Haruto stayed silent at that obvious warning. He clearly did not take it by heart because after school, he was seen pestering Jeongwoo once again. The frustration was visible in Jeongwoo who was highly irritated by Haruto's constant 'sorry's. It didn't work. It didn't make him feel any better. He wished to vanish from school as soon as possible. And to his delight, Junkyu, his cousin showed up.

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