~내 마음을 설레게 해~ DoDam

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Pairing- Bang Yedam and Kim Doyoung

Type- Fluff

*The title means 'Makes my Heart Flutter'*

Doyoung hated college. He hated it with all his heart! Apart from the huge load of completing numerous assignments and reports, there were all these tests and pop quizzes, the projects, club activities and all! He was exhausted. He wanted time for himself, time to breathe and just relax. But no, he just had to be busy 24/7 with his work!

Even the day before his weekly holiday, he reached home almost at night. He was so stressed and tired that he didn’t even eat anything. He just freshened up and went straight to bed. No setting alarm for the next day- that was the motivation that put him to a very comfortable sleep. He had tons of texts unread, but he didn’t really have any strength left in him to take the phone in hand and do so.

Holidays are the best. Not only because Doyoung could sleep as long as he wanted, do whatever he wanted all day long, but also because of the occasional arrival of the one person who was his safe space, his comfort zone, his shelter.

Bang Yedam, Doyoung’s neighbour come friend for about 2 years already, a young man aged 19 was the holy grail of the younger. The tale of their meeting, bonding and getting close to each other is heartfelt, wholesome. It just needed a few months for them to be each other’s closest companion.

Doyoung had the most brilliant sleep in a while . Not those ones to make you more tired after waking up. He was rather feeling refreshed, energised and okay, a bit hungry. Okay not a bit. A lot instead.

Surprisingly, he could smell a very alluring, captivating smell. Like it came from a very close distance. He lived alone, so it was pretty weird that the direction of the smell was pointing towards his kitchen.

Doyoung smiled. Only one person knew his security code. And only one person could be making breakfast for him early in the morning.

Doyoung stood up, making as less sound as possible. He took his time to freshen up. Then, with a smile on his pretty lips, he went to the kitchen. He saw the man, the nicely built body of a 19 year old young man. The welcoming figure of him made him happy. Way too happy.

He saw the man turning around upon hearing his sound. Those artistic lips parted, showing the dazzling smile that he absolutely adored.

“Did you sleep well?” escaped from those lips. Doyoung walked ahead, engulfing the owner in a soft, warm hug.

“Yedammie hyung!” Doyoung put his head in the crook of Yedam’s neck, pouting a little in his complain of affection, “I missed you.”

“That you didn’t even call me last night?” Yedam joked. Doyoung looked hurt.

“Hyung! I really just couldn’t check anything! Like I just went to bed and fell asleep.” He sulked a bit. Yedam chuckled- blooming music in his tone, “It’s okay, it’s okay! I saw that. You got back home pretty late and your lights were on for like 10 minutes only.” Then Yedam ruffled Doyoung’s hair, resting near his chin. “That’s why I came here to help you relieve some stress.”

Doyoung smiled, swiftly pecking Yedam’s neck and letting go of the hug, “Oh God! Then I'll gladly have such bad days in my life.”

Yedam shook his head. Doyoung was a deadass tease. “Go wait at the table. I'm almost done.”

“As you wish, princess.” Doyoung winked, then left the kitchen. You might wonder if they were together or not. Truth is- No. As weird as it looked, they acted as if they’re more than friends where in fact none was quite brave to actually admit what was messing them up. They both had this strange camouflage of being as clingy towards the other as possible, tagging it as ‘closeness' and nothing else.

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