Chapter 2~I didn't want to see you like this

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A/N Hey Tigers

i got so many reads and it's only the second chapter ... wow you guys are so amazing :D

It's Christmas Eve.... Though it doesnt feel like it :(

It's Louis Tomlinson's Birthday :D... I cant believe the dear boy is an official adult, he 21.

The pic on the side is Ally's outfit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hope you like the  chapter 



"Come on One more store." I say pulling Ben into Forever 21.

"Why couldn't you have taken Lexi with you, she likes shopping better than me?" Ben complains

"1. She has to do something very importantbut she will meet up with us in like ten minutes, 2. your my boyfriend so you shop with me." I say handing him my shopping bags.

He sighs and sits at the bench in the store. 

I still haven't really told you who Ben is. Well his full name is Benjamin Alexander, but we call him Ben. I met him in kindergaten. Lexi, me and him have been friends since. In middle school he asked me out and he became my first boyfriend and first love. We broke up becuase of the move and we werent sure if we could actually make long distance work. But ever since I came bac k all the old feelings are coming back so we got back together. He is so sweet and kind, He is the type of boy that every girl looks for, the one that compliments her, the one who is always there to catch me when I fall. He is truely a prince.

"Hey Ally, Lexi's coming." Ben saya pointing to a person running at lightning speed.

At that moment I',m tackled to the ground against my will by Lexi.

"You will never guess who is in the same mall as us?" She screamed in my ear.

"I won't have time to guess if you dont get off of me ."

She gets up and herlps me." Whose here, Taylor Lauthner"

"Look at your neck."

I look down to see Harry's necklace, I still don't know why I haven't taken it off.

"What about it."

"That." She points. I turn around and stop.


Because Harry Styles was right behind me, holding hands with Taylor Swift.

"Ally is that you?" He asks suprised, even maybe a hint of guilt.

"Um yeah, Hi Harry"

We just stand there awkwardly. Taylor sends me death stares along with some fans who were trailing behind.

"Hey Ally who is this?" Ben asks coming up to me. He snakes his arm around my waist and tugs me closer to hs chest.

Harry just stares, his face drops from a semi frown to a complete frown. He looks heartbroken.

"Um, this is an old frien Harry, Harry meet my boyfriend Ben." As I said the word boyfriend Ben kisses my forehead. Harry looks devesated but quickly recovers before anyone can see.

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