Chapter 13~ Miami with One Direction

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A/N Hey Tigers

So who wants to make couple names:

Louis + Eleanor = Elounor

Zayn + Perrie =  Zerrie

Niall + Amber = ?

Liam + Lexi = ?

Ben + Lucy = ?

Eli + Claire = ?

and last but not least:

Harry + Ally = ?

Tell me what you come up with :)

Hope you like the chapter



"Cannon Ball." The lads scream as the jump into the pool.

"Guys." I says soaking wet.

"Sorry Ally." they says.

It has been a couple of days since we have been in Miami, first i broke up with my boyfriend because i had feelings for my ex. Then we went to my ex boyfriend and current best friends parent's wedding where i saw Harry and the lads, then I found out that Harry still had feelings for me, then we agreed not to date for a while, and then everyone got together, and now the boys are staying here on a secret vaction, while Simon and my parents are freaking out.

Phew, that was one hectic week.

"Ally check that out." Lottie says pointing to the beach. There is going to be this huge party going on later, we should go."

"I don't know Lottie , the last party we went to we kind of got kicked out." it waas true we went to a party but it was invite only so we got kicked out.

"But this one is for everyone see the banner." Shge says pointing.

"Well then I gguess we are going to a party."

"What party?" Niall asked getting out of the pool and taking a seat next to Amber.

"There is a party at the beach tonight and it's free to everyone."

"woo hoo we are going to a party." Harry says jumping into the water.

"Yeah but this time there will be no alcohol." I glare at them.

"Sheesh yo get drunk once and you get yelled at for life." Zayn says staying on te raft. Thats the only way that they got him into the water.

"You really need to learn how to swim." Niall says.

"and why is that?' Zayn ask.

And in that moment the raft flipped over causing Zayn to go down into the water. Liam though being the good person that he was brought Zayn over to the shallow end when their heads could reach abve the water.

I turned towards Harry and Louis who were laughing.

"Not cool mate." Zayn says glaring at them.

"Hey Ally look, someone's coming." Lexi says pointing to the door way. He was very good looking but I only had eyes for one guy.

"Hey, you guys new around here, I would have seen your pretty face of your before." He says

Causing me to blush. Louis and Harry came out of the water and stood by the rest of the boys who were all glaring at me and the guy.

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