Chapter 20~NYU

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A/N Hey Tigers

The pic on the side is Ally's outfit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hope you like the chapter



Ally POV

I opened my eyes to see we were still in the helicopter. i turn to the left to see Alex and Jake there. and then I look in front of me to see Ben, Lexi and Lottie.

In the other helicopter the lads were in there and in the last helicopter the little kids were there.

I looked towards Jake but this time his eyes were opened. He lean towards me and kissed my forehead.

You see he asked me to be his girlfriend right before we got on the helicopter and I said yes.

"You guys should wake up because we are about to land." the poilet said.

I kicked Lexi who screamed waking everyone else up.

"What was that for?" She asked.

"We are about to land."

I look out the window to see the ground once again. I heard the thud and the helicopter reached the ground. The door flung opened and we all reaced off. 

"The ground finally." Jake say kissing the ground.

I started to laugh and Jake just picked me up and spun me around.

I saw Harry in the corner of my eyes. Hurt was smeared across his face, but he wasn't the only one. The other boys had hurt across there faces.

"Hey lets go, you said that you got early addmission to NYU right?

That's the big secret that I didn't tell anyone, Before i went to Miami, I got a letter from NYU saying my grades were amazing and I had acheived all the credits to graduate high school so they gave me a full scholarship and early addmission. I was going to tell my parents but then the whole thing with the divorce papers and the truth about that came out, it just never came out. But now when Jake told me that he goes to NYU I immediately remembered. As much as I want to go home and see my parents, so much has happened. the divorce the lies, the new family,.... Harry.

It's too much for me to handle now right now. i ran straight to Louis and engulfed him in a hug.

"I'm not going to be home for a while, just make sure our parents dont't freak." I say.

But before I can walk back Louis grabbed my arm and tightened his grip around it.

"We went to Miami  to find you in the first place, we are not letting you leave again." he says.

"No Louis you don't understand, this is the only way. When I go home, I'm dead they are going to kill me for this, and then on top of that I know the truth between my parents divorce. How will i look them in the eyes knowing that neither of them have custody of me. On top of that me and Harry got out of another messy relationship, that is too much to deal with. I have NYU, if it makes you feel any better, I'll call you everyday to make sure I'm safe."

He nods and lets tears fall down his cheeks. I kiss his cheek and engulfed him in a hug.

"Take care of Harry for me" I whisper.

I wave everyone goodbye, but they all look at me confused. they look back to Louis who had just broken down in tears. I ran off towards Jake who was already sitting in the car.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, lets go."

I look back to see that everyone was crying, but to make it worst Harrywas on his knees crying. Rain started to fall.

I didn't want to look back because I knew that If I did I would jump out of the car and run back towards them.

i start to sing to myself.

I'm sorry, I'm really a mess right now 
I'm trying my best to get it together somehow 
I can't see this way, light up in this pain that you left me 
I'm unraveling, looking for things that'll never be 

Stars fade away they just crash into space 
Disappear from the light like you and I 

Tell me where love goes when it's gone 
Tell me where hearts go when they go wrong 
Suddenly someone is no one I've come 
Undone, undone, undone 
Undone, undone, undone 

I'm sorry, I let me fall for you 
I can erase you and forget you but I can't undo you 
You're the hand I can't hold, the words I'm not told when I'm lonely 
And I don't want you back, I just want to have what you took from me 

Stars fade away they just crash into space 
Disappear from the light like you and I 

Tell me where love goes when it's gone 
Tell me where hearts go when they go wrong 
Suddenly someone is no one I've come 
Undone, undone, undone 

I'll come around again 
I know it's not the end 
But right now I've got nowhere to begin 
To begin 

Tell me where love goes when it's gone 
Tell me where hearts go when they go wrong 
Suddenly someone is no one I've come 
Undone, undone, undone 

Nothing but emptiness inside 
Love leaves a black hole where it dies 
How can I ever love again, I'm done 
Undone, undone, undone 
Undone, undone, undone 
Undone, undone

Can my breakup with Harry be undone? 

"Ally look out the window." Jake said.

I looked at the building in front of me, kids walking in and out of the building. teacher talking with some students and kids playing sports on th field.

"Welcome to NYU."

A/N don't hate me but Harry and Aly had to break up.

don't worry everything will work out.

the song is called undone by Haley Reinhart and i'm am obcessed with the song.

Things will get intense in the next couple chapters.

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