Chapter 7~Parent Trap

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A/N Hey Tigers

I was so hoping that this story would be a sucess but it not getting that many read so i'm kinda worried if anyone is really reading them.... again, i dont like ghost readers, i like to know that their are people who like my story :D

So anyway this is more of a Louis and Ally chapter :D(Siblings forever)

This pic on the side is Ally's outfit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thwe external link is Louis>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hope you like the chapter



I walk into starbucks and look around. I was suppose to meet a special somebody today. I see a newspaper covering someone.

I walk over to the booth." Hey ,you dont have to hide anymore." The newspaper comes down but its not the person i'm looking for.

"Oh sorry" I say getting out of my seat. i look around unti someone grabs me from behind I turn around and see the mystery person to be relieved the next moment


"Hey, now come here, we dont want the fans to see me do we?" He says pulling me to the side.

Now yur all must be wondering what is goingon here, well after the whole idea of getting our parents back together we actually started to agree. But then we heard some argument in the other room and Jay stormed out Louis contacted me later that day saying that his mom was depressed as well as my dad. Then we both realized that they both still have feelings for each other.

So now we are at presenttimes, we wanted to meet up to discuss our plans, but we had to make time within our schedule.

"So what are we naming this little operation of ours?"

"The Parent Trap?"

"Like the movie?"

"Which one?"

"The one with Lindsey Lohan."

"Huh, I was taking it out of mind bt that too, so we got our name , what next?"

"Well today we are having a little party, invites only and well I believe my mother is the only one with out a date, So how about you and your father come along. " Louis ask

"And he can be Jays Date?"

"Yup, they will be forced to talk since the whole entire time you have to spend time with your date."

"Is Harry going?" I causly ask, wait why am i asking about Harry, this is about our Parents.

"Actually he is." He says

"Oh.So i'm guessing his date is Taylor." I say in dissapoint ment Wait why am i dissapointed.

Louis notices my disapointment and smirks" Actually she isn't coming, she wwasnt invited."

"Oh." I suddenly have more energy.

We stay like that for a minute, with louis overly smirking.

"So back to the plan, um what are we going to do once they are paired, arent they going to complain."

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