Halloween and Christmas

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I do not own Harry Potter

All around the Great Hall people's hair were different colors and styles. Fred and George were both wearing identical smiles but that is where their similar looks ended. Fred had bright pink hair while George had pale blue hair. (If you get the reference we can be friends) The trio of siblings blinked as their hair returned to its unglamoured states, Eve and Hermione with caramel brown and Harry with a Weasley appropriate red. Ginny blinked as her hair became a deep purple that knocked Eve's breath a bit, being her favorite shade.

Over at the Slytherin table Draco's hair had taken on a deep almost stormy blue that when Harry saw, his breath caught. Pansy's hair became an almost sea foam green, getting a similar reaction from Hermione. Blaise's hair had become a deep deep red, both Ron and Neville hid a blush. At the Ravenclaw table Luna smiled as her hair looked like a night sky.

The staff table quickly drew attention. Lockhart's hair became a putrid green. McGonagall's hair became an orange worthy of a tiger. Snape's slick black hair seemed to puff out and take on a green brown more at home on a tree. Hagrid and Dumbledore had matching technicolor beards and hair.

"At least Mum will have an easier time tell you two apart," Ron says with a smile, his hair a soft yellow.

The ensuing chaos resulted in a number of bald students and one Gilderoy Lockhart fleeing the Great Hall. Fred and George swung next to Eve and smiled.

"One round of revenge for our little sis," Fred said.

"Or should we say potential sister-in-law," George said seeing as Eve's eyes didn't leave Ginny.

"And HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO EVERYONE," the twins announce to the Hall bowing from atop the table.

With that they pushed the flustered Eve into the approaching starry haired Ravenclaw. Running from the Hall they laugh as they see looks on their siblings faces.

'Hmm I wonder if they are seers too,' Kim thinks.

"Fred and George Weasley 25 points from Gryffindor and Detention," McGonagall yells.

"So Eve how do like your new look," Luna asks.

"It feels almost natural. Although I feel so drawn into yours it's quite dreamy," Eve says with a giggle.

Dumbledore cast a suspicious look at the three siblings, hidden behind the twinkle of his glasses. Still their reactions particularly Eve and Hermione are real enough for them not to be in on it. Catching site of his two favorite pranksters even he has to give to them. The fact that more Slytherins wound up bald particularly the upperclassmen of their Quidditch team seemed good.  Even if the Malfoy brat looked good. Seeing a bald Lockhart made the prank's primary target so clear.

To many people's dismay and some's delight the hair prank lasted until the weekend. This resulted in a lot of hair dye being ordered by owl or brewed. Sadly the weekend before the holidays was cast under a smokey pale when another victim. Justin Finch-Fletchley was found with a smokey Sir Nicholas.

The attack of the Hufflepuff triggered Eve to slip into little mode. This slip though was celebrated at Malfoy manor as Narcissa prepared to make the children's first Christmas something to truly remember. Hogwarts was a glow with Christmas trees. It was with a close eye that from all staff watched the students.

McGonagall and Snape both kept a particularly close eye on the siblings. On Christmas Eve the three siblings made their way along the seventh floor corridor after having received a note from McGonagall.

'Head to the seventh floor and look for the tapestry of Barnaby the Barmy trying to instruct trolls how to dance. You may take Mr. Weasley with you since he already knows your secret,' the note read.

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