Tea and story time

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I do not own Harry Potter

Snape returns to the smell of tea and biscuits cooking. He walks in to the kitchen and finds Harry wearing an apron and oven mitts. Hermione is holding a tea pot with her hair in a bun and Eve is sitting at the table with a book open reading aloud.

"What did I tell you," Snape says walking over to Harry.

Harry backs away and puts his hand on the oven door.

"Sorry, I thought you might want scones for afternoon tea. When Eve woke up we helped her down while we waited," Harry says pulling out the scones.

It hits Severus how conditioned the boy actually was. Hermione finishes the tea.

"I take it this was normal with Petunia," Snape drawls sitting down.

"Heh," Harry laughs dryly. "This is light. If I didn't have dinner cooking by now, well."

Snape blinks and looks at the children. Harry and Eve look down. Hermione brings him a cup of tea and a scone. Eve pushes the sugar and cream over.

"Sorry I couldn't help," Eve says quietly.

Severus looks at each child in turn. Hadrian the oldest and protector. He had spent the longest physically with them and after the year's events had suffered most. Camelia, the brightest of their year, her desire and hunger for knowledge made so much more sense. Evelyn, his youngest had spent more than half her life sleeping after the last attack. The child who's body didn't match her mind and only woke up from her confinement that day. That meddling fool had made a wreck of all their lives.

"Thank you," Snape says as he sips the tea.

As he takes a bite of the scone, he blinks.

"Harry, did you pull out a cookbook from somewhere," he takes another bite.

"No, I found the original recipe when they first had me start cooking," Harry says.

"Umm Harry wasn't that just before," Eve starts and looks down.

"Before you saved Emm and yourself, yeah but don't worry, Eve. I'm not angry at you," Harry says hugging her and sitting next to her.

"If this is what you can do with what I had in the pantry, I will have to keep a closer eye on you in class," Snape says. "Now then for rules. Harry and Camelia," he starts only for Hermione to cough.

"Umm would you call me Hermione," she asks.

"Only if we reapply your glamours for your return in the fall," Severus says. "But that doesn't mean your siblings can't use your nickname. As I was saying, you have homework. I want you working on it during the first part of the day until it's done. I will be working with Evelyn to assess where she is and get her up to where she should be. Somethings I will have to educate you all three in particularly etiquette and manners since you are all three tied to Ancient and Noble Houses.

"You will be expected to clean after yourselves. I will have potions to make and you will need to stay out of my lab unless it is an emergency during those times. You are not expected to cook any meals. If you children wish to help with meals I will allow it.

"You are allowed to send owl post however you are not to talk about where you are living. You will be allowed independent studies and we will have to handle the few social obligations I will have.

"Until we have planned things out you are still Harry Potter and Hermione Granger to the rest of the world. Harry can acknowledge Evelyn as his god sister since James Potter was her godfather and isn't known by any other name. I will talk with the Grangers about how we shall handle your sister relationship when the year starts. If anyone comes by you may go by your real or formal names. This means Hadrian Evans, Camelia and Evelyn Snape. There is a local market that I will walk you to next week but for now you are not to leave the house. Any questions?"

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