To Gringotts

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Eve starts to tremble and squeezes her siblings hands.

"What? Why? Is v.v.Vernon or Aunt Petunia going to come? I'll be good," she whispers.

She shrinks back as her eyes scan the room. 

"I promise I didn't say anything. I won't ask for more food," she gasps as her eyes lose focus.

The sharp nosed Potion Master's eyes narrow. His anger boils and if not for his Occulmency it might burst. The terrified look in the child's eyes stops him. Harry and Hermione both share a guilty look.

"Is it true," Snape says in an icy tone that has the smallest try to break free of the hands holding her.

"Yes," Harry says looking down.

"They starved us for years. I only remembered when I took Eve's hand. I'm sorry Harry," Hermione says looking down.

"It is not your fault children, any of yours. It is mine and The Headmaster's. I should have recognized the signs of abuse but I believed him when that you were being raised in luxury. Yet, none of you are going back there, ever. Harry, your few items that you want from there will be retrieved by myself," Snape says.

The man throws his robes wide and envelopes the children in a rare hug. If anyone had seen the dungeon bat of Slytherin hugging any child out of the blue they would swear it was a hallucination. This was much less that it was 2 of the 3 Golden Trio.

"Heh unless she has something of Mum's in the attic, everything I own is in my trunk," Harry says with a mirthless laugh.

"Well then I'll sign the paperwork and we will head to Gringott's. After that I'll take you shopping. After all I'll not have you lot looking the part of some vagabond," Snape says in a tone with no heat.

Snape leaves and walks to the office.

"Severus is that really your child," Poppy Pomfrey asks in a hushed whisper.

"Yes, I trust your discretion," Snape drawls before shooting her a look.

"After he ignored my demand that Potter not go back to those horrible people, much less assured me that he would get me the boy's medical records. The file will appear with the new school year since I am officially off duty," the school medi-witch says with a smile. "Just get those three healed up. I wonder which house he'll wind up in."

"Well it appears Evan prefers to be called Eve," Snape says to her.

This wasn't the first student over the years they've dealt with over the years from an abuse situation. All Heads of House had dealt with abused students, typically from Muggle born houses or similar. That's not to say there weren't issues among the purebloods but they at least would heal the children properly. Students that were trans were increasingly common.

"Will you be having her see the appropriate healers," Pomfrey asks as she files the paperwork.

"Yes, If that is what she wants," Snape says.

"One other thing, Severus and you didn't hear this from me but you might want to check them for glamours and blocks," Pomfrey says as he is walking out.

"I plan to," he says walking back to the children.

He stiffens when he sees the Weasley brat there with his children. He starts to snarl before he hears a laugh. It was a laugh he hadn't thought he would ever hear again.  Still he had a reputation and they were his children.

"So Snape is really your dad," Ron asks incredulous.

"Mhm," Eve answers with a small smile and nod.

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