A Confusing Start

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I do not own Harry Potter .

I sigh as I swing the load of groceries into the trunk of the car. I back up and wave before jumping to the side. The customer peels off and I feel a pop behind me.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a Kimberley Irons," a voice says.

I turn and see a dark haired girl with odd red brown eyes. She smiles and brushes her hair from her face. The image of a young girl flashes through my thoughts. A name and sense of longing erupt in me. I don't register as tears drip down my cheeks.

"Emilia," I gasp confused.

"Yes, it is you," she says with a relieved smile.

I shake my head and blink. "I mean I am Kimberley Irons. Umm who are you?"

"Heh really? You just said my name," she says stepping closer.

I register a UK accent. "I know I look different but it happens with time," she says.

I blink and shake my head again. "No way are you the same Emilia I am thinking about. Not if you are speaking with a UK accent."

"Heh you don't remember? I moved with my adopted parents to England," she asks smiling in that way I can't forget.

Her head tilted to the side as a chocolate colored lock of hair falls across her face. My hand starts to move automatically.

"Really Em are you ever going to wear a clip in your hair," I say suddenly shifting to a UK accent myself and I stop. "Wait, stop. Listen, I am at work. I guess if you want to talk I have a break soon and I'm off in like 2 hrs."

I look at my handheld terminal and it flashes and resets.

"Sure, I'll wait," she says with a giggle.

"After all it's what family does,' she adds in a whisper.

I try to ignore the last part as I finish my shift. Through out it my terminal acts up even more than normal, if that's possible. My back is aching but that's what I get for loading groceries into peoples cars. I walk out of the store with my vest hanging off my arm and there she is.

"There you are, come on let's go grab a bite to eat. It will be my treat," she says hooking her arm in mine.

I feel conflicted. Part of me wants to pull away. Yet part of me feels comfortable. It's almost like a key going into a lock. We walk down to a sandwich shop.

"Go on, order what ever you want," she urges.

I nod and order a small turkey with lots of veggies and light dressing on wheat. She just smiles at me.

"Chips and a drink," the clerk asks.

"Sure for both of them," Emilia says sliding up.

"Uh it's ok I was just going to get water," I start.

"Oh, come on, live a little, we haven't seen each other in what..." She urges.

"31 years," I say quietly.

"Wow, it really has been that long. See, besides Daddy is covering it," she says as she holds out a card and tosses me a bag of chips.

I get some unsweetened tea trying to keep in mind my sugar levels. We sit down to eat and as we start to eat. We talk for a bit about our lives, before it gets to the point that I have to ask.

"Umm Emilia how did you find me," I ask.

She smiles and I swear I see a shimmer in her eyes. I feel tears rolling down my face.

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