A confused confession

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The return from the holidays is a return to routine for them until Valentine's Day. The biggest difference is that thanks to Muggle hair dye their little group got into the habit of dyeing their hair every couple of weeks. The splash of hearts, lace and streamers across the Great Hall has many students cringing. Severus wore a dangerous look. The fact that Dumbledore allowed it only made his mood that much worse. The pain of memories once sealed made his heart ache. He scowled at every child that approached not just Evelyn or Camelia but also Hadrian. 

That didn't keep Eve from blushing with every look she got. Hermione, Harry and Ron all formed a protective barrier.

Walking into the Great Hall Severus watched as Draco, Pansy Luna and oddly Blaise and Longbottom watched the group. Halfway through breakfast goblins walked in and started approaching the students. Most handed garishly wrapped bundles and walked off. When one approached his children he glared at it. Confused it looked back and forth between Harry and Eve before starting.

"Your eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
Your hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish you were mine, you're really divine,
the hero who conquered the Dark Lord."

Harry and Eve both had both dyed their hair pitch black in an act of sibling unity. Ginny swallows and dashes away as the goblin thrusts the box of chocolates into Eve's hands. Luna walks up slowly to Eve and kisses Eve's cheek.

"Evelyn Potter will you officially be my girlfriend," Luna asks, her voice carrying effortlessly through the hall.

The Great Hall erupts, while Eve nods smiling. Severus has to fight to keep his scowl in place even as he internally applauds the Ravenclaw. Standing he sweeps his robes and storms off. He smiles darkly as he thinks about the lessons he has planned of counters for love potions. His upper years will be making antidotes for the hospital wing as he doesn't trust Lockhart or Dumbledore to not have dosed the chocolates or gifts.

Moving through the day he sends Mipsy down to the kitchens with a broad spectrum love and loyalty antidotes. He does his best to not let his facade slip. At the end of the day he lets a pained look out looking at Harry, Hermione and Eve. Then curling his lip at Dumbledore he storms out and sees that annoying twinkle in his eyes. He is unaware that Hadrian has come into possession of a certain diary or that his charges have had a fight as he lays down to bed.

Hadrian is feeling terribly conflicted. On one hand Hagrid has been nothing but kind and generous to him and his friends. He practically fawned over their familiars. The possibility of him being the source of the monster that has been petrifying students is just wrong. Yet there was something about Tom Riddle that he couldn't shake like he was someone Hadrian should trust.

Still if it was to protect his sisters he would do whatever he had to. He decides he has to confront Hagrid himself. As he starts to sneak out of the tower he is caught by Fred and George.

"Oh look Fred," George says as they shield Harry from the room.

"Yes George," Fred responds.

"It looks like Harry is in a mission," George says.

"Definitely a mission. But is this one of revenge or love," Fred says with a wink.

"What?! I don't know what you two are talking about," Harry stutters.

"Don't worry we won't judge you for falling for a certain blonde," Fred says with a smirk.

"Not after we found Flint and Wood getting hot after the match last year," George says with a wink.

Harry shakes his head as an image floats into his mind and colors his cheeks.

"No it's just I need to stretch my legs," Harry lies.

"Nope, not alone," George responds.

"We know a big brother mission," Fred smiles.

"When we see one," George responds.

"So we are coming along," they say together.

(Yes in the story the twins have figured somethings out and are playing bodyguards)

Timeskip because I'm lazy and without the Angelina I'm not sending any of them into meet Aragog.

Watching Hagrid get dragged away Fred and George share a wide eyed look. Taking an arm each they drag Harry back to the tower.

"Now listen Harrykins," Fred says.

"You lot are not going anywhere alone," George says.

"If it was the spiders from the Forbidden Forest," Fred starts.

"You can trust Ronnikins to alert you," George says.

"And us to have your backs," they finish together.


The morning of the Hufflepuff/Gryffindor match Eve is leaning heavily on Luna's shoulder in the Gryffindor box. Hermione had gotten up early to meet Pansy in the library. They see an irate Pansy across the pitch in the Slytherin stands.

When they see McGonagall storming the field Eve screams. Luna catches her and with Ron's help gets her down to the pitch.

Eve spends the next few days practically catatonic next to Hermione. The group is gathered around the sisters' bed. The official story is that Eve shutdown after another of her friends' fell victim. Suddenly Eve sits up.

"Basilisk!" Eve cries out before her eyes focused.

They all look at her surprised.

"What's a Basilisk, Eve? What's it got to do with....," Harry starts. "That's it everyone. The creature, it's a Basilisk. That's why Regina and I can hear it when it's close."

"Yes but even if that's so how is it getting around," Pansy asks worriedly.

"Emmy, Hermione figured that out too. It's in the pipes and she said everyone viewed it through something," Eve says looking.

"That's right, Finch-Fletchley viewed it through Sir Nicholas," Draco says.

"They found Hermione with that Prefect Clearwater girl," Pansy says with almost a sneer.

"And poor little Colin viewed through his camera," Blaise says casting a look over at him.

"But what about Ms. Norris? She  didn't have a mirror or a ghost," Ron pointed out.

"Yes but there was lots of rain. Mr. Filch was complaining about it and Moaning Myrtle's toilet," Luna says stroking Eve's hand.

"That's where it is," Harry says looking up.

"What is Harry," Draco asks.

"Listen you three need to go tell Snape," Harry says.

"What about you though," Pansy asks.

"Ron and me are going to McGonagall," Harry says.

"No way big brother I'm not letting you go without me," Eve says sitting up.

"No, Eve," Harry says pushing on her shoulder.

"Yes, I have been talking with Hermione through the same line she used to pull me out of my coma. We heard the Basilisk, its been trying to keep from hurting anyone but it's senile," Eve says.

"Yeah right, what about Myrtle," Draco says.

"It was an accident. I think..." Eve says.

Sorry this was delayed. I really thought I posted this chapter a week ago

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