To the Burrow

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"Umm Papa, my letter is addressed to Evelyn Potter," Eve says and nervously hands her father the letter.

Severus Snape barely holds back snatching the letter. Taking it he holds up the letter and smirks.

"McGonagall," he says flatly "Well it looks like you may wind up hiding in Gryffindor with your brother and sister. I'll let Lucius and Narcissa know so they can prepare. Camelia you will have to let Dan and Emma know about meeting you at Kings Cross," Snape says.

"But what about being with you and the Slytherins and getting back at Dumbledore," Eve asks upset.

"You can manage this Evelyn. Draco will not turn his back on you, and this way you can keep a closer eye on your brother and sister and vice versa," Snape says placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Fine, I guess this means I'm going to be wearing a glamour too," Eve pouts.

"Well at least this way we can all match," Hadrian says with a smile. "I guess I'll tell Ron since it will come out anyway."

"Now get your things, I need to get you to the Grangers in time so the Weasleys can get Hadrian from there," Snape says standing.

Soon they are walking up to a comfortable home in an upper-class Muggle neighborhood. A moment after the bell is rung Emma Granger opens the door. Wearing a casual red and yellow sundress she smiles warmly as she hugs Hermione.

"Ahh Happy Belated Birthday dears. I know the Weasleys are supposed to be getting Harry soon but we have a bit of time," Emma says guiding them in.

"Thank you so much for letting us spend a few days with the girls Severus," Dan Granger says walking down the steps in scrub bottoms and a tshirt.

"It is no trouble. I have work to do at Hogwarts and feel better knowing there are people I can trust them with. Now Evelyn's Hogwarts letter arrived today addressed to Evelyn Potter. So I will be reapplying their glamours. ," Severus says to Emma.

"Now remember what we talked about earlier and don't forget your potions. Evelyn remember no matter which house you are in I will be proud of you," Snape says to the children.

"Bye Papa, be safe," Eve says hugging the sharp nosed Potions Master.

When Hadrian and Camelia join the hug, he returns it. Straightening he waves his wand as the glamours fall back across the children. Evelyn's hair shortens, changes to a red hue and takes on an untamed look, looking very much like Lily. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Evelyn Potter look at the Potions Master once more.

"You as well, I will see you all at Hogwarts," Severus says before straightening up and disappearing.

Camelia watches the man she had learned was her birth father disappear. Turning to Eve she takes her hand and leads her into the dining room. A stack of presents is waiting. Eve gasps and looks back.

"Well we know we aren't your parents," Dan says.

"But you and Harry are still Hermione's family and so we plan on celebrating your birthdays as well," Emma says.

They sit down to enjoy an early lunch as the Grangers smile at the children. After the lunch they hand out the presents. All three get additional books. Harry gets a watch that has a cover that looks like a snitch. Eve gets a necklace with a dreamcatcher. Hermione gets a new diary.

"Now it took a bit of work but thanks to Severus we were able to get those from Diagon Alley. The watch is charmed to be break resistant and the face has a charm to light up. The necklace is supposed to help with nightmares and help with those who have gifts like projection. The diary is charmed so only the owner can read it. We figured after being an only child for a while you would want something to keep your secrets private only a full Auror can break into it," Dan says looking at the children.

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