The Chamber Opens

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Harry shrugs and nods before heading down to the dungeons.

Getting to the dungeons Harry waits outside of Snape's office. After a few minutes the Potions Master arrives with a small girl in his arms. The blonde hair of Luna steps out from behind him. Harry starts and looks worried at them. Before he can speak Snape sends him a look and flicks his wand.

"Inside," is the only word he orders.

Once inside the girl turns and looks at him with such wide eyes Harry's breath catches.

"Hawwy," Eve says sounding younger. (Yes Eve will sometimes regress mentally as an effect of the magically induced coma)

"Oh yes Eve, Harry is here," he says reaching out to his little sister.

"Where Emmy," Eve asks looking around the room.

"She'll be here very soon. Ron fell and broke his wand. She is taking him to Professor McGonagall," Harry says.

"Very well, drop your glamours and when she gets here I will have Camelia do so as well," Snape says carrying Eve on his hip to his desk.

Harry waves his wand and feels the glamours drop away. Pocketing his glasses he looks to Luna who is carrying Jane and Regina.

"What happened," he asks looking at the Ravenclaw.

"Oh Eve's slipped a bit back but the nargles said it was to prepare her magic for the shift in a few months," Luna says with a smile stroking Eve's hand.

"Papa," Eve exclaims and starts squirming.

"Evelyn, you do not squirm. Use your words," Snape says looking down at the struggling girl in his arms, his voice holding a clear command. He knows full well his smallest daughter would eventually want down but part of him was loath to give up his hold on her.

"Please, I want down," Eve says with her eyes looking big.

Snape smiles and sets her gently on the floor. Eve takes a moment before walking over to Hadrian as he drops his glamours. She smiles bigger and hugs him. A knock on the door has Harry pulling Eve behind him.  Snape walks to the door to find Camelia with Pansy and Draco. After they step in Snape locks the door.  Eve unsteadily walks to her twin but seems smaller.

"Emmy," Eve exclaims before wrapping her arms around the girl with identical hair.

"Heh, yes Evie," Camelia says hugging her back.

"Hello little one," Draco says looking at Eve.

Pansy steps around and taps Eve's shoulder.

"Hey, there Eve," Pansy says before wrapping her arm around both girls.

Suddenly an angry trill sounds as Eve is pulled backwards by Luna. The look the blonde shoots could wither anyone but Eve just smiles and pushes her face onto the girl's shoulder.

"This one is mine, don't make me hex you," Luna says in her airy voice that is followed by an icy smile.

"Since when," Pansy says glaring at the first year.

"Since time began. Although we didn't meet in person until the train. Isn't that right," Luna says looking at the girl in her arms.

Eve giggles and blushes.

"Umm evwee one this is my mate. Wuna Wuvegood," Eve says while looking at the room.

"A pleasure," Pansy says.

"Welcome to the group Lovegood. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," Draco says extending his hand.

"Thank you Heir Malfoy," Luna says serenely.

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