Another victim falls

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"Ok, with Mr. Potter's injuries you three can't be seen outside of this wing until after lunch. So as I suspect that your teammates will be by soon. I will remove the glamours and key them to a ward that will reapply them when someone enters the room save myself or Professor Snape," the nurse says.

The glamours drop from the three siblings. As one they sigh together. Both sisters sit on their side of their brother. Camelia pulls out a book as Eve tries to not look over towards the bed that contained Colin Creevey. She keeps biting her lip as Jane and Regina rest for a moment on Eve's hands before Meridia slithers out of Camelia's robes.

"Hadrian is that really Colin over there," Eve asks.

"Yeah, McGonagall and Dumbles brought him in last night, petrified," Hadrian says with a sigh.

"McLaggen said Colin was going to be back after checking on you," Camelia says looking at her siblings, a pensive look on her face.

Suddenly the glamours snap down and Eve finds herself looking at Harry and Hermione. Soon the entire Gryffindor team are pushing in with smiles. The group gathers around with snacks and congratulating.

"Ahh there's the little firebrand," Katie Bell says rubbing Eve's head.

"Honestly, I'm surprised Lockhart got away unharmed," Alicia Spinnet says slipping in.

"Well Lockhart is just lucky, is all," Eve grumbled.

This gets a laugh from the Gryffindors. Fred and George nod approvingly. Oliver Wood smiles with a measured look.

"Well next year I say we train you up. I've been reading on yer affliction and I have some ideas on charms to add to yer robes. That way I can have you as a backup for Harry here," Wood says with a fiery smile.

"And what does that mean," Fred starts

"Yeah just because Harrikins is prone to injuries," George finishes.

"Hey, what makes you think the Potter luck will hold any better for me," Eve perks up in Harry's defense.

"Oh that's the beauty of having two of you," Wood says not to be deterred.

"All right, you lot there will be no talk of anyone getting her on a broom much less into a quidditch game for the rest of the year," Madam Pomfrey says walking up.

Eve sighs a small breath and leans against Harry. Jane and Regina shift as a head of long blonde hair walks in. Eve looks up and feels something in her squeal in delight.  As she starts squirming Harry smiles.

"It's ok Eve," Harry says patting her hand.

She looks at him before the petite blonde steps in. Arms wrap around the little red head. 

"Hello Harry, I've come to check you for nargles," Luna says in her airy tone.

"Hehe right, and what are you checking her for," Angelina asks.

Eve feels herself slipping into little space. Sharing a quick glance to the door before her legs go out from under her and she sags.

"I came to get her before the winkledoves got her. It looks like I got here in time," Luna says easing Eve gently into the chair.

"Ahh well I guess that's it's that time," Madam Pomfrey says walking over. "Ok you lot I'm going to lay Ms. Potter down. So you lot are to go."

Lifting Eve up gently the nurse finds her holding tight to Luna. She sighs and moves the pair over to a bed.

"Ok everyone but Ms. Lovegood is to leave," she says looking to the crowd.

As the group moves away Hermione stays back.

"Go on I have to ask Madam Pomfrey I have a well personal question," Hermione says.

Katie, Angelina and Alicia nod before pushing the boys out.

"We'll see you down at lunch," Katie says.

When the group is completely gone Eve opens her eyes as her glamour drops.

"Wuna, Emmy, Hawwy," Eve asks looking around, her glasses falls off her face.

"Right here Evie," Camelia says walking over to hug her twin.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm supposed to be big but.but," Eve stutters.

"Shh it's ok. Colin was your friend," Hadrian says looking at his little sisters.

"It's not just dat. Gwildewoy Wockart is such a mess. Dumbles had to know dat I just want to hurt dem so much for what Dey are doing to us," Eve growls before tears leak out of her eyes.

"Worry not my dear, I've been told that Professor Snape is going to be making an example of Lockhart soon," Luna says stroking Eve's hair.

Eve snuggles herself into Luna's chest. She wraps her arms right around her mate and breaths in her scent. Her creature part settles into the scent of her mate and her young mind settles into the feel of the girl's presence.


When the notice about the dueling club goes up the Gryffindor Common Room erupts into commotion. Eve's excited smile fades when she sees the age restriction. The trio do their best to console the little lioness. For the rest of the day Eve sulks even when they meet with Luna.

Harry smiles picking up on his little sister's frustration. He taps her shoulder.

"Remember little sis we are the children of pranksters and have a certain heirloom. I believe it's time you and Luna made use of it," Harry says pulling out the silvery cloak partway from his sleeve.

That is how Eve and Luna find themselves under the Invisibility Cloak at the edge of the hall. Looking at the hall with the tables pushed together into a stage the students mill around. Harry and Hermione stand talking with Ron and looking around the hall. On one level they are looking for their little sister. On the other level they are tracking their own mates.

The clamor dies down as a golden head climbs onto the stage. Lockhart strikes a pose.

"Greetings one and all. Your Illustrious Headmaster has given me permission to bring back the Dueling Club. Now since there are so many talented students Dumbledore has given me an assistant, Severus Snape," Lockhart says before motioning back to Snape who steps forward.

"Now worry not children I will return your Potions Teacher in one piece," Lockhart continues.

Hidden under the cloak Eve holds Luna. The blonde casts a silence spell as she feels Eve start to growl.

'Don't worry we all know the ponce will get it' Regina hisses.

"Don't worry Eve, something tells me you'll get a chance later this year as well," Luna stroking circles in Eve's back.

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