A very Public scene

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TW: There are triggers in this chapter. Thr

She nods and then feels her sag into him.

Settling her under the covers he checks on Camelia and Hadrian before returning to his office and pulling out the files. He feels his blood boil more and more as he reads. The files had also contained Hadrian's, as limited as the Muggle records had. The abuse and neglect were one thing but the additional section on Eve made even the darkest parts of him sick.  It seems along with various unnecessary tests, someone had started taking organ 'samples'. These included blood and bone marrow and possible evidence of other organs. If not for her magic replacing or repairing the damage she would be dead.The Grangers had gone above and beyond for the children.

Severus decides to add a few other potions to the youngest regime. The next few weeks are a flurry of activities. With Harry and Hermione having completed their homework in the first week they move into etiquette and advanced lessons for all three as well. Narcissa and Lucius started visiting to aid with Draco becoming part of the lessons.  Severus smiled at how the children fall into a truce that moves towards friendship. Eve does her best and her familiars seem to be there as soon as if not before she needs them.

Fridays become their weekly night out they agree that it would be a different restaurant to give Hadrian and Evelyn a chance to explore something else. They find that while Eve will politely eat anything, she prefers spices and aromatics.  Their weekends are their shopping days and the chances for the children to be children.

One such Saturday they head to London to pick up some additional items. Walking around by a store front a voice bellowed out.

"No money, what do mean there's no bloody money in the account," a man yells.

Eve goes rigid before collapsing. As she falls she bumps into a passerby and the group stops.

"Eve, Eve," Emma Granger says rushing up.

Severus is already bent over her wishing he could just apparate out of there.  The commotion outside draws the attention of the people inside. The flash of red hair and green eyes is all the horse faced woman inside needs.

"It's you! It's your fault. You did something you freak! Not enough we had to put up with you but when we finally think we are through with you. You show up when our money is all gone," Petunia Dursley yells.

Behind her a whale of a man storms out and his eyes fall on Camelia and Hadrian.  His face morphs into a feral snarl as he sees the smallest girl eyes wide open start to shake.

"Of bloody course, you show up now," Vernon Dursley he says with his voice full of venom.

He is unaware of the attention he has gained from the three adults.

"Undo what you did you freaks," he orders and bears down on the children.

Hadrian steps in front of Eve and stares up at the man.  Camelia stands to the side, held by Emma Granger. Dan Granger has his voice recorder out.  Vernon Dursley grabs Hadrian's arm and they both can feel the bone close to snapping.

"Thought you could run away, dye your hair and hide with these freaks? Thought you could steal from us, boy? And I see you found your freak sister and sissy, too," Vernon yells into Hadrian's face.

"Let go of my nephew," Emma Granger yells.

"Is that what he told you. This brat has no family but us. His parents were a bunch of drunks that," Petunia starts.

Eve struggles upright as Severus holds her. Jane and Regina move up under her coat and rest on her chest.

"No more lies," Eve gasps as she collapses.

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