Family Dinners

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"Heh, that's one way of saying it," Draco says with a blush.

"Draco, we are leaving," Narcissa calls out.

"Really, Severus you and the children must come over one day," Narcissa continues. "Maybe for the children's birthday."

"Well it happens that all three of them have the same birthday," Severus says as they hear the footsteps.

"Come Draco, we need to be getting home," Lucius says.

"Very well father. Now Eve remember I'm your older cousin. If you get into Slytherin you can come to me with any problems," Draco says looking at the smaller girl.

The Potions Master smiles at how his youngest already has the boy feeling protective.

'Not really surprising since she is the only one he didn't get off on the wrong foot with,' Severus says.

"And you," Draco says pointing at Hadrian. "Might as well know I plan on becoming the Slytherin Seeker and I'm going to want your best game out there."

Spinning his robes Draco walks to the fireplace. Severus holds a smile and looks to Lucius, who rolls his eyes. Narcissa smiles a small smile at the boys.

"Now Camelia, you and Eve can both owl me if you have any feminine problems or questions you don't want to ask Severus about," Narcissa says looking down at the girls.

"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy," Hermione says with a blush.

"None of that I am your godmother, you are to call me Narcissa or even Aunt Cissa," Lady Malfoy says.

"Umm yes Aunt Cissa," Eve manages to get out.

"We are going," Lucius says tapping his cane.

Once the Malfoys leave Snape looks at the grandfather clock in the corner.

"Well children I believe I mentioned that if you behaved, I would show you around the neighborhood. So grab your coats. We are giving Mipsey a break tonight and are going out for dinner," Snape says.

Hermione smiles and pulls Eve to get their coats. Hadrian follows at a calmer but still excited pace. The Potions Master smiles as he pulls on his coat. Before the words are out of his mouth to call them, they return. He admits that in proper fitting clothes, Hadrian looks more comfortable and less shifty and invoking his worst memories of James.

"Well then children with me," Snape says and turns with a slight flare of his coat.

Of course he had already coordinated with the Grangers to do this.  Walking down the streets he smiles internally. The children are chatting yet the oldest and youngest are both scanning doorways. Camelia seems to blink as she starts to recognize landmarks. They neared a shopping center with an Ethiopian restaurant.

She looks at a blue sedan and then back at her father. He gives a small nod as they enter the restaurant.

"Snape party," he says to the host.

"Ahh yes sir, the rest of your party is already here. Follow me," the dark skinned man says.

When they get nearer a young couple stands and waves.

"Oh my you girls are looking beautiful," Emma Granger says holding her hand to her mouth.

"Daniel, Emma, did you have any trouble finding this place," Severus asks as they all sit down.

"Nope, actually we've eaten here before a few times with Hermione, I mean Camelia," Dan Granger says. "You must be Hadrian, or is it Harry, and Eve. I have to say my boy knowing you are her brother definitely makes more sense given the letters."

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