Crazy Bludgers and Cameras

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Weeks seem to pass this way until Harry's first quidditch game of the year. Climbing into the stands Eve is propped up between Hermione and Ron. Colin stood at the ready with his camera ready to capture as much as he could.

Eve and Hermione have no trouble shouting in Harry's support. Luna joined them and helped hold a banner. Draco may be Hadrian's mate but both boys were looking at this as a competition to see which was better. Of course bets were made within the group with sufficient penalties and rewards agreed to. With the shrill of the whistle both Slytherin and Gryffindor sprang to the air.

Harry and Draco feint and chase across the field sometimes even sharing little looks before Harry manages to slip away. As the points built up on both sides Harry spotted a flash of gold. Leaning low on his broom he raced after it Draco close on his tail. Suddenly a bludger came across the front of both boys' brooms spinning them across the field. Draco spared a look of anger as he looked for the Beater that sent the bludger at them.

"Watch where you're hitting those, you nearly took both of us out," Draco sneers.

"OH WHAT A COLLISION BOTH SEEKERS WERE NEARLY TAKEN OUT BY THAT ONE. Oh and it looks like Malfoy is not happy about it," Lee Jordan calls out from the stand.

Harry rights himself and locks eyes with Draco for a moment before flying up high. He scans the field barely jerking his broom hard to the side, avoiding the bludger again. Fred and George do their best to manage the persistent ball.

"Just catch the Snitch and end it already," Eve yells at Draco and Harry.

Harry nods as he scans the pitch and after seeing a flash of gold at the other end of the field, dives after it. Draco quickly closes in and the Slytherin Beaters swoop in to help manage the crazy ball but one missed swing let's the ball slip through. Just as Harry wraps his fingers around the winged ball the Bludger connects with his other arm sending him hurtling to the ground. With a hiss he lands in the sand at the base of the Slytherin goal posts.

Running down to the field Eve and Hermione point their wands at the Bludger as it circled back.

"Reducto," comes from Eve's wand at the same time as "Impedimentia" comes from Hermione's.

The explosion blows it to tiny bits. Colin's camera flash going off in rapid succession. In the ensuing chaos Lockhart makes it to Harry.

"Don't worry my boy I'll have that arm fixed," Lockhart says picking up Harry's arm.

"No I'm fine I'll just get Madam Pomfrey to fix it," Harry stutters and winces from the pain.

"Poor boy must be in shock," Lockhart says to the crowd. "Bracio Amendo!"

Lockhart taps the arm as it goes completely limp. A flash from a camera gets the flop.

"Ahh there we go no pain," Lockhart says as Harry's arm flops like a wet noodle.

"And no bones," Hagrid bellows.

"You incompetent braggart, you hurt my big brother. I'll ," Eve yells before collapsing against Professor Flitwick.

"Now see here calm down," McGonagall says stepping through the crowd. "Hagrid take Mr. Potter to the hospital. Ms. Granger you and I will take Ms. Potter to her dorm and set her in her bed."

Harry looks at Hermione as Hagrid scoops him up. He nods at her as McGonagall picks up Eve. Harry looks at Hermione as Hagrid scoops him up. He nods at her as McGonagall picks up Eve. Luna is held back by Snape as she rushes to her mate's side. She casts an irritated look at him. He responds with a mouthed "Later". A cringing Harry was carried to the hospital wing and laid down on a bed.

"What happened this time," Pomfrey says walking in.

"Oh you know me," Harry tries to say flippantly with a swing of his arm.

He forgets which arm to use and his boneless arm flops across.

"Oh that's a new one on you Potter. Well we'll have to do this the hard way," Pomfrey says with a flick of her wand.

A skeleton shaped bottle flies over to her and she pours out a measure.

"Drink this. You should have come to me directly," Pomfrey says as she turns away.

"It's not Harry's fault it was that twit, Lockhart's doing," Ron says.

"That's Professor Lockhart, Mr. Weasley. Now it's going to be a rough night for Mr. Potter, regrowing bones is a nasty business. The rest of you can leave," Pomfrey says in clear dismissal.

After much grumbling, the Gryffindor quidditch team left with promises to return. When the last one leaves Pomfrey turns to Harry and closes the curtains around his bed. She quickly dispels the glamours and makes him drink the potion.

"Now where are your sisters," she asks pouring a nutrition potion for him.

"Eve fell asleep before she could make it to Lockhart," Hadrian says with a smile.

Pomfrey smirks at him. "Well it's a good thing. I've just barely made an antidote to Jane and Regina's venoms, much less what she would do on her own. Now rest up, it's going to be a long night."

Hadrian eventually drifted off to sleep. Hours later he woke up to the sounds of footsteps. Sitting up, he pulls the curtains aside a little to see McGonagall and Dumbledore levitating in a body.

"Albus what happened to Mr. Creevey, is it true," McGonagall asked in hushed tones.

"Yes my dear Minerva I'm sorry to say the Chamber of Secrets really has been opened," Dumbledore says popping open Colin's camera back and getting a chemically hiss.

Hadrian lays back and with a whisper reapplies his glamours. He lays there shaking as he worries how Eve is going to react. Colin may be a fan boy but he was one of her friends in Gryffindor and useful for their cover.

The following morning Hermione is walking a sleepy Eve into the hospital wing. Eve gasps as she sees Colin. She makes it to Hadrian's bed barely. Hermione crawls onto the bed and squeezes her twin with Hadrian. As Madam Pomfrey walks to the curtained bed she sees the siblings with Eve in the center.

"Ok you lot I'm going to drop the glamours on you girls conditionally the same as your brother," Pomfrey says.

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