Hospital bed confessions

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I do not own Harry Potter

Seeing the form of his godson standing with horns, wings and a tail that while dragon shaped looks like it's covered in fur has Severus Snape at a loss for words. He then registers the choked sob of his daughter holding the Weasley girl also with horns, wings and a tail. However while Hadrian's looked soft and furry at the edges, Eve's looked almost plant like. His thoughts go to Camelia in the hospital wing and says a prayer to Lady Magic that Pomfrey saw the effects.

Looking to McGonagall, Snape conjures a blanket and wraps it around Hadrian. McGonagall wraps blankets around both girls. Easing the sword away from him he casts a preservation spell on the remains. With some gentle consoling they move the crying children down the hall.  Ginny while weak, wraps an arm around Eve protectively. Getting to the slide Hadrian whispers "UP!" in Parseltongue. With a grating of stone on stone the tunnel is filled with stairs moving up the length. Lockhart blinks wide surprise. McGonagall looks at the man with disgust.

"Wow, it's like magic," Lockhart says stepping shakily onto the steps.

Ron looks at the siblings and his own in shock.

"What happened to you three," he asks.

"The basilisk venom triggered a partial creature inheritance," Hadrian said.

"And it turns out my mate is a Potter," Ginny says. "My Eve," she says hugging her.

"Yes well you two need to hide your extra features before we get up there," Snape says.

"But how Papa," Eve asks.

"Papa.." Ginny asks.

"I'll tell you later Gin. I have a feeling you and Luna need to discuss things too," Ron says in a whisper to his sister.

"Simply remember how you looked before without them," McGonagall says guiding them to the moving steps.

Hadrian takes a breath and closes his eyes after a shared look with Eve. When he opens his eyes his shoulders itch but his wings, horns and tail are gone leaving only slight markings in their place. Eve has to grunt and lean on Ginny before her body returns to it's mostly previous state. Hadrian then sighs as he picks up a familiar scent. He starts moving up the steps faster.

Coming out of the darkness he launches himself into a pair of waiting blonde arms. By the time the others are in the bathroom Eve smiles as she faintly hears the sound of purring.


Hadrian, Eve and Ginny are all laying in beds next to Hermione and the other petrified students. With the curtains drawn, privacy wards up the circle of siblings and mates were watched by Snape and Madam Pomphrey. Hermione was cradled in Pansy's arms as she gently flexed her fingers.

"Honestly Eve, I can't believe you pushed Lockhart like that," Hermione looks at her sister and sighs.

Ginny hugs Eve while looking at Hermione with narrowed eyes. Eve's eyes dance with mischief while the others laugh or giggle.

"You did not..." Pansy says with a smile

"I mean, I thought we were going to push him down a sewer pipe together," Hermione says with a pout.

Eve giggles and buries her face in Ginny's shoulder. Ginny pats her mates, head. The rest of the students in their bubble laugh, harder. Blaise, Ron and Neville sit between the siblings and mates and share a look.  The three boys start waving their wands checking the wards.

"So, since Ginny is officially one of this crazy group of mates and friends...what happened down there," Blaise asks.

"So umm the long and short of it is we found Lockhart trying to run and forced him to the entrance. Harry opened it using Parseltongue," Eve starts.

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