Dueling Club

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"Don't worry Eve, something tells me you'll get a chance later this year as well," Luna stroking circles in Eve's back.

When Eve looks back Snape and Lockhart have walked to opposite ends of the stage. As Lockhart does an exaggerated bow Snape does a simpler one. Lockhart strikes a pose as Snape swiftly flicks his wand and his voice rings out "Expelliarmus!"

The spell sends Lockhart flying back and into a heap of his robes. A cheer rings out from a number of students, not just Slytherins. Brushing himself off Lockhart puts on a smile and laughs.

"Very good although you were quite obvious. I was going to block it but I thought a good lesson on how to fall might help as well. Now how about we set pairs," he says using one of his smiles.

Looking from under the cloak Eve does a double take.

"Luna I think he is wearing some kind of dental charm. That's why his smile and teeth look that way. Hehe I know what I'm going to do," Eve giggles.

Luna smiles and pats her girlfriend. As they weave through the crowd. Nearing Draco and Harry they slow. Luna watches as an older Slytherin elbows his buddy.

"Let's see the Golden Lion boy deal with a real snake. Serpent Sorcia," he yells in a mocking voice that sounded like Draco's.

A large serpent shoots past the stunned Draco.  There is a gasp and the gathered students spread out. Snape looks at the student and shoots him a withering glare. Stepping forward he is about to vanish the snake when Lockhart pushes through.

"Allow me," he yells and flourishing his wand emits a bang.

The snake shoots into the air and lands in front of a group of Hufflepuffs. The children stand rooted to the floor as the upset snake rears back about to strike at the closest thing.

Harry steps forward and speaking in a slow commanding tone says, "Stop! Don't worry pretty one we aren't going to hurt you."

Well that is what Harry, Regina and the snake hear but everyone else just hears hissing. Many eyes go wide as Snape steps forward and vanishes the snake.

"Potters, Granger, Weasley with me. Everyone else disperse," Snape bellows.

Students scramble as the Prefects jump into action. Eve and Luna catching the message follow Snape quickly out of the hall. Descending into the dungeons the carefully and quickly make it to Snape's office.

"What were you thinking you foolish child," Snape barks.

"What I just told it to calm down and we weren't going to hurt it," Harry says confused.

"Harry you were speaking snake to it, you know Parseltongue," Ron says.

"What? Come on Eve I know you heard me," Harry says looking to her.

"Sorry, Regina translated for me big brother. Not that I was scared I knew wasn't really in danger," Eve says looking at him.

"So what I bet loads of wizards can too," Harry says.

"Hadrian," Snape says speaking up. "The last one in Europe was You-Know-Who yet the most notable was Slytherin's Founder Salazar Slytherin."

"So, I bet you 5 Galleons that old beardy and conniving knew that," Harry huffs.

"So we are supposed to be playing the dumb little Gryffindors in your case," Hermione says shaking her head.

"Yes and he'll probably churn the rumor mill to make our lives rougher and turn the school against us. People will think we are Slytherin's Heir or something. I mean we could be but we can't be happy about it," Eve pouts. "I'm already getting flack because people don't like Regina much less that no one knew about me before this year between all the books and plays about you."

Harry pulls Eve into a hug that soon is joined by everyone and two Slytherins that slip in. Standing by the hidden staircase Blaise coughs and winks at Ron.


Eve thrashed as she laid in her bed. Her silencing charm falling and her screams echo through the dorms. A distraught Jane and Regina hang on the posts of the bed. Hermione comes running in with a worried look. She reaches out to touch her twin and feels a field. Her hand is kept away from the clearly sweaty skin.

Another scream rips from the small form and a wave of magic pushes her back. Hermione pushes against it but still gets pushed back. Everyone else in the room is knocked on the ground.

"No more, please. It hurts. Please don't take that" Eve's voice cries out over and over.

Her hands flail and start clawing at her body. Inside her mind Eve is reliving one of the surgeries she woke up during. There is a pounding at the door before a blonde head pushes in. Ginny starts to shift uncomfortably as the girl cries and her magic seems to pull at her.

"Luna what are you doing here," Ginny asks shocked.

"Oh shut up Ginny can't you see she is in pain? Can you really not hear her screaming out to her soul...," Luna asks her former best friend stunned.

It suddenly clicks for Luna that Eve and her have 2 soulmates. Luna reaches out to Ginny but gets shocked. Luna walks slowly forward and starts to sing. Deep in Ginny's mind a part of her hears it and starts to sing along. As Luna slowly walks forward and though she feels the magic the magic in the song her Fae gave her seems to guide her steps. Ginny stands stunned as thoughts drift up.

'She is a girl. She is an interloper. She got in the way to keep Harry to herself. She is a fake.' Ginny's mind screams. 'How can she look so perfectly like Lilly?'

Eve's blanket shifts as her hands rip her clothing. Ginny blinks as magic pushes out and she changes. Ginny gets an eyeful of something not female.

'She is a sissy freak. I knew it. She isn't a she but an it. But how did she get into the girls dorms,' the dark thoughts scream; Dampening the song part of her soul is singing with one sweet word getting through, 'Mates'

Luna comes up to Eve and as she puts a hand on her the magic settles. Eve settles down, magic and all, into soft sobs as she pushes against the hand. The room settles in and Hermione looks to one of the older girls. Professor McGonagall walks in to find Luna Lovegood stroking Eve's head and Regina and Jane resting on Eve's chest. Standing in her nightrobes the Gryffindor head levels a hard gaze on the pair.

"Ms. Lovegood what are you doing here? I believe the Ravenclaws have their own tower," she asks not shocked by the closeness really.

"I came in when they went to get you. I'm here because Eve needed me," Luna says in a calm matter of fact way.

"Is that so well we need to get Ms. Potter to Madam Pomfrey," McGonagall says and deciding not to risk additional magic gently picks the girl up.

Walking out of the girl's dorm she stops when she sees most of her lions out. A certain black hair pushes forward. Harry reaches out tenderly to touch his little sister's hand and finds Jane sliding down. 

"Is she ok Professor," Harry asks.

"I am taking her to Madam Pomfrey to be sure. You are allowed to join me as her family. As for you Ms. Granger you will be joining me in my office later. For everyone else you should be in your beds before I return," she says pitching her voice to the room.

"That includes you Ms. Lovegood," McGonagall says to Luna.

"Sorry Professor but I will have to go to the nurse myself for a potion myself. Since it seems the fizzlebees took all of my incense," Luna says trailing behind.

Whimpering Eve grips her middle and Hermione's eyes widen. Nudging Harry she whispers.

"She was having nightmares on what they did to her in the hospital I think," Hermione says in a whisper.

Harry's eyes widen and he walks up to Eve and takes her hand. Stroking it he keeps pace with his Head of House. When they get to the hospital wing McGonagall sets Eve down on an empty bed and waves her wand.

"Ok the wards are up. Poppy kindly get Severus for me and dispel their glamours," McGonagall says looking at the nurse.

The shocked looks on Harry's and Hermione's faces brings an almost Cheshire grin on her face.

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