Diagon Alley and Lockhart

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Back at the Grangers, Eve is curled up in a bed with Jane and Regina curled protectively to one side. Hermione was looking over her homework for another time when she heard a shuffling. Eve stretches slowly and blinks.

"I had another episode didn't I," Eve states sitting up.

"Just a small one," Hermione says wrapping up the parchment.

"Great first impression on the Weasleys I guess," Eve says rolling her eyes.

"Heh, are you mental? You politely got out of having to spend time with them without denying we are sisters. But if you think Aunt Cissa isn't going to hear about your whole "meself" bit you are wrong," Hermione smirks in what Eve calls her big sister way.

"Hey, I was playing the role. If Evelyn Potter shows up looking and acting too refined then people will wonder," Eve says crawling over to her twin.

"Well I hate to break it to you but they are going to wonder and gawk anyway. I mean Harry has books written about his childhood adventures, after all and there isn't one mention in any of them as a sister," Hermione says pointing at a stack of books.

"Emmy, Harry will flip when he finds out you have these," Eve gasps.

Hermione smiles conspiratorially at her sister. Eve returns the smile and then her eyes go wide.

"Emmy, has Harry been getting any money off of them," Eve asks.

"I don't know, let's send Poe to Papa and ask. You know it was probably Dumblebutt who authorized them," Hermione says pulling out a quill and bit of parchment.

After writing the note she moves to tie it to a cooperative Poe.

"Remember Poe, this goes to Papa at Hogwarts," Hermione says petting the bird.

Eve opens the window and watches as the bird flies off. Eve leans against the window and sighs thinking again.

"What's on your mind," Hermione asks.

"Just thinking about everything. I mean a bit over a month ago I saw myself as a transgender woman living in America while actually sleeping in a coma. Now I'm here with a twin sister I longed for but didn't know I actually had. I have a famous big brother, the cousins I had in my dream are a mated pair of a snake and a lizard and I'm going to Hogwarts soon," Eve says sagging.

"You know for someone who just turned 11, that's an awfully big rant," Hermione says with a smile.

Before Eve can withdraw into herself more Hermione hugs her. Holding her smaller twin Hermione rocks her. A soft knock at the door brings them out of their bubble.

"Hermione, Eve we ordered pizza, so you two are to wash and come down," Emma Granger says.

The next day comes with both girls wearing matching sweaters and jeans. Eve is forced to ride in a wheelchair, owing to her still reduced stamina. They get to Diagon Alley early to visit Gringott's and get the money for their books. Walking back into the Leaky Cauldron they run into a group of frantic looking redheads.

"Ron, Ronald , what's the problem," Hermione asks.

"Harry, he didn't come out of the Floo properly," Ron gets out.

"Right, he's probably only a few gates away. We will split up and start looking," an older red haired wizard says.

"Ok, good idea you must be Arthur Weasley. Dan Granger, Hermione's father," Dan says extending his hand.

"Right then you lot will go this way and Ron, Fred, George you will go that way. Percy you take Ginny and Molly and I will check down here," Arthur says giving out directions after having shook Dan's hand.

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