Dungeons and Glamours

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As always I do not own Harry Potter.

"Evans, what do you think you are doing here," Snape looking at Harry.

"Umm spending time with my mate and his friends," Harry says.

"Well don't forget you have curfew and I won't hesitate to dock you points or assign you detention," Snape says with a warning smile to his godsons.

The following morning in the hospital wing Eve wakes up. Stretching high she feels her arms brush soft hair. Blinking she looks over at the smiling face of her mate.

"Good morning Kimmi," Luna says running a hand through her hair.

"Luna, did you get back to your dorm at all," Eve asks.

"No, the wrackspurts told me you would sleep better if I stayed," Luna says with a smile.

"Well I did sleep the best I can ever remember," Eve says blushing.

Luna smiles and slides next to the smaller girl on the bed. The two first year girls settle next to each other fully clothed and talk for a bit before Madam Pomfrey walks over. She smiles at the girls and looks to Eve.

"Ok Potter, you are to spend today either up here or down in your father's rooms without the glamours for the rest of the day. The drain on your core has been affecting your sleep," Pomfrey says.

"Umm...yes ma'am," Eve says as she deflates.

Eve takes a deep breath and grabs her wand. Passing it over her, her nose becomes more angular. Her hair falls flat against her head and changes to a more caramel color. Her eyes shift colors slightly and she shifts her legs. Luna then holds the glasses to the side and smiles. Eve shakes her arms and sighs.

"There feeling better dear," Madam Pomfrey asks.

"Like I just got out of a suit of some kind that was heavy and restrictive," Eve says blinking.

"Good, now I'll get you some breakfast. You girls just sit here until I get back," The nurse says looking at the girls.

Eve nods and her eyes go wide. She turns to the girl next to her and tugs her sleeve. Luna turns to her mate and sees the fidgeting.

"Yes," Luna asks.

"Wuna I need to go," Eve whispers.

"Oh do you need help," Luna asks her.

"Ma-madam Pomfrey said not to move though," Eve says pulling in as her body squirming.

Luna smiles, "It is ok honey, Madam Pomfrey is a nurse she won't get mad for you going to the bathroom."

Eve gets off the bed only to fall. Regina quickly snakes out and grabs an arm with one end as Regina grabs the other with her claws and wraps her tail around the bed post. Luna steps around the bed and scoops her mate up. Eve blushes as she realizes how small she is.

"Luna, I'm sorry," Eve says as she feels her bladder strain.

Luna pushes the door open and sets her mate down.

"It's ok, Kimmi. I'll be right here," Luna says from the other side of the door.

When Eve finishes she walks out only to have Luna slip an arm under her arm. Silently supporting her they get to the bed. Just as Eve is settled Madam Pomfrey comes in with Severus. 

"Good morning Professor Snape," Luna says looking at him.

"Hi," Eve cranes her head and scans the room, "Papa."

Snape looks at his daughter and her mate. His next words come out icy.

"Me. Lovegood I don't care if you claim to be her mate if you breathe a word of this to anyone you will have all of your memories Obliviated. Furthermore, I will make sure even your father wishes you weren't born," Snape almost snarls.

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