Silver x Reader - Flower Crown

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A certain silver haired student was fast asleep under the trees. His hair swayed in the gentle breeze. He sat upon the soft grass and leaned his back on the tree trunk. A small group of birds and squirrels were gathered around him. Some were also sleeping on his shoulder and lap. His chest slowly rose and fell with each breath.

He seemed to be having a pleasant dream. He was laying on a flower bed, and looking up at the clear blue sky. Even in his dream, he could feel the soft wind against his skin. He heard rustling next to him. He sat up, looking at the source of the noise. It seemed to be another student. One that he hasn't met before that was sitting next to him.

"Oh? You're awake!" They said as they shifted their sitting position to face him. Silver looked back the this mysterious person with confusion.

"As you were sleeping, I made this for you." Before Silver could retort and question them, something was placed on his head. He noticed a single petal that fell to the top of his nose. It seemed to be a flower crown. He noticed the bright smile on their face, as they admired him with his crown. For some reason, their facial features seemed like a blur, and were hard to identify. However, their smile was clear and bright. It was beautiful.

"Hey, wake up."

Silver's eyes slowly fluttered open, still slightly disoriented. He raised his hand to cover the sun rays from his drowsy eyes. The animals that were laid around dispersed. He looked up to see you crouched in front of him.

"Class is starting soon, you wouldn't want to be late." You said as you also hurried off to your class with Grim hanging on your shoulder. Silver slowly stood up while rubbing the drowsiness out of his eyes. He kept his eyes on you until you rounded the corner of the hallway.

"It's strange, I feel like I've met you somewhere before..."

You were currently in analytical magic class, typically confused as per usual. It's to be expected,  since in your world magic did not exist. Also not only did the confusion hurt your head, you were sat next to Sebek Zigvolt. He was quite the loud fellow. His booming voice always made your ears ring.

"Today I will be assigning a written report." Professor Trein started. You could hear the students collective sighs from across the room. "You many choose which type of magic you wish to analyze. This will be a partnered project, so you are paired with your desk partner. "

You sneak a glance to Sebek, and he had a serious expression on his face. It seemed to be his default expression when he was quiet. You let out a sigh, knowing that working with him may prove to be quite difficult.

School finally ended, and you started walking back to your dorm. However, you were immediately stopped by a familiar booming voice.

"Human! Where do you think you're going!?" You slowly turn around to be met with the intense gaze of Sebek.

"A-ah well, I was going to go back to my dorm to do some chores." You nervously responded. (I lied, I wanted to take a nap.)

" I see." Sebek said. "I understand the importance of cleanliness and organization. However,  this project is of upmost importance. We must make sure that this paper is perfect! It must be worthy of Young Master's praise!" He proclaim as he dragged you to the library.

"I guess there's no way of escaping." You thought.

Before you make it to the library, Sebek spotted a certain someone sleeping on one of the benches. He quickly walked over to him. You covered your ears in preparation.


"Ugh" Silver said begrudgingly.   He looked back at Sebek with a scowl. "You could have wakened me more gently. Your voice could make people deaf, " he said with irritation. They bickered for a few more moments before Silver noticed you behind Sebek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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