Jade Leech x Reader - Tea

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You were walking down the hallway balancing a large stack of paper in your arms. The teacher had asked you to give those to the headmaster. Holding the huge stack of paper, your arms became sore and your legs would wobble. As you walked around the corner, You bumped into two large figures. You fell backwards, and the papers you were holding were scattered across the floor.

"Oh my, I am so sorry! Are you alright?" One of them said as you saw a gloved hand reach out to you.

"Yes, I'm okay." You replied. You took his hand and slowly stood up. You were met with a pair of heterochromatic eyes. One was a bright gold, as the other was a dark olive. He had turquoise hair with a black strand parted to the right.

"Jade, you have to be careful. This person is so small you could have squished them!" Said the other as he crouched to your height and brought his face closer to yours. You blush at how close he was. He has the same face like the other, but his black hair strand was parted to the left. He also had more of a toothy grin. You then recognized these two. They were the Leech brothers from Octinaville. You may or may not have feelings for one of them. *cough*

"Floyd, mind your manners. Now, help pick up the papers." Jade said has he crouched down and began to work. Floyd began to do the same.

"Ah, thank you so much." You replied as you also began to collect the papers scattered on the floor. As you reached for one of the documents, Jade reached for the same one. His hand touched the top of yours. You both blush and quickly pull your hands away.

"M-my apologies." Jade said as he avoided eye contact.

"It alright." You reply in a quiet voice. Floyd looked back at you two, and a sly toothy grin began to grow on his face. After a bit, all of the papers were finally picked up form off the floor.

"We will help you drop these off Y/N." Jade said as he held his own stack of papers.

"How did you know my name?" You questioned. He paused for a moment, then replied.

"We are in the potions class." He said with a smile. He may have replied in a calm and cool tone, but he had a mini heart attack when you asked that question. It's true that you were in the same class, but he had eyes on you since you arrived on campus.

"It must have been hard for Kohebi-chan to carry all of these." Floyd said as he looked at you with his signature grin. You look back at him with a puzzled look.

"Kohebi-chan?" You reply. Floyd chuckled at your confused face.

"It's because you're tiny, like a little shrimp."

"I'm not tiny! You two are just really tall." You reply as you tilt your head upward to look at them. They chuckled at you. You all finally arrived at the headmasters office, and quickly dropped off the documents. Your arms were finally free from all the weight, but a slight soreness lingered.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble for you," Jade said a he looked towards you. "After school would you like to have some tea at the Monstro Lounge? It would be service." You look back at him and your eyes lit up.

"I would love too!" You replied. You have never went to the Monstro Lounge before. You only heard stories about it. Nevertheless, you were excited.

"Great, then I'll see you after school." Jade said as he walked to his next class with Floyd following close behind. When you were out of sight, Jade leaned back on the wall, and held his chest trying to still his beating heart.

"Jade, you never invite people for free drinks." Floyd said with a smirk. "Is Y/N perhaps a special person?" Jade looked back at Floyd with a wide eyes and a red face. He straightened up and fixed his clothing and returned to his cool composure.

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