Azul Ashengrotto x Reader - Persistence

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Alchemy was not your best subject. Your test paper was face down on the table and you hesitated to flip it over. You took deep breath the finally turned the page. You stared at the circled red number on the corner of the page. You sigh in relief, realizing that you barely passed. However, it won't be good if you keep getting scores like this.

A certain someone noticed your  worried expression. He decided to approach you in attempt to aid your distress. He looked over your shoulder, and saw your score.

"Oh dear, that's quite a pitiful grade." He said as he adjusted his glasses. The hum of his voice sent a shiver up your spine. You turn around in your seat and you were met with deep blue eyes and silver hair. It was Azul Ashengrotto, one of the most intellectual person you know. You also had some hidden feelings for him as well. You sigh as you turn back to your test paper.

"Ugh, yes I know Azul. Alchemy is not my best subject you know." You said with a worried tone. Azul grew a small smirk, and took a seat infront of your desk.

"Then, how about we make a deal?" You looked back at him, and you could see a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I can help you with Alchemy, however you must get full points on the next test." You look back at him with curiosity.

"What happens if I don't." Azul chuckled in response and a sly smile grew on his lips.

"Well, you will work for me and become an employee at the Monstro Lounge."You were silent for a second. Then you looked back at him with an unamused face.

"I'll pass." You respond with a sigh. "I can just study more on my own, without any consequences." You packed up your things and began to walk out of the classroom.

"W-wait." Azul said as you were almost out the door. "Then, how about I help you with all of your classes, however you need to get top 50 in the school." You look back at him with a glare.

"Is my consequence still the same?"

"Yes." He said as he adjusted his glasses. "How would it be a deal without an exchange?" You only sighed and walked out the the classroom without a word. You left Azul in the classroom with a confused and irritated expression. He clenched his fist in frustration.

"Tsk, how dare they refuse a deal from me."

Over the next couple of days, Azul has been acting weird. He would always send cold glares at you. Also whenever you had trouble with something, he would always spend in to try to get a deal off of you.

"Oh? you seem to be struggling with this potion recipe. If you make a deal with me, I can help you." You would always glare back at him and brush him off.   Some days, the Leech twins would come to make an offer. You would always refuse and send them back. However one day, you saw the twin approach you again.  You sigh knowing that Azul told them to ask you to sign a contract. But thus time they had offered you something different. 

"I apologize that Azul has been quite persistent when offering you contracts. To make it up to you, would you like to have some free dessert at the Montro Lounge?" Jade said with his butler like manners. 

"The desserts are really yummy!~." Floyd said with a grin. You stood there for a moment, contemplating your corse of action. You begin think that it may be a trap. But your weakness of free desserts swayed you. You sigh and turn back to them.

"Sure, I'll go." The both smile back at you. But their smile held a different motive.

"Then we will see you after class," Jade said as he did a small bow and walked away. Floyd follwed beside him and waved back to you.

"Bye, bye!" You watch them both disappear down the hallway. 

"I wonder what changed his mind. Why was he so determined to make a deal with me?" You thought.

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