Vil Schoenheit x Reader - Fruit Smoothies

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"Sorry I'm late!' You say as you stumble into the classroom. This students look up from their work, surprised and confused from your disheveled form. Professor Trein sighed and proceeded to glare at you. You could feel his gaze burn into your soul.

"Y/N, you should know that I don't tolerate tardiness even by a single second." He said as Lucifer followed with a hiss. You shiver at his stern gaze, but you managed to explain yourself with a nervous voice.

"W-well, Grim felt sick last night so I stayed up a little to take care of him. I overslept and rushed over as fast as I could. I'm terribly sorry." You say as you bowed your head, hoping for your punishment to be light. The room was silent for a moment. The students sat in the edge of their seats, waiting for the professor's response. Professor Trein looked back at Lucifer, which he then gave a meow in response. With a small nod, he turned back to you.

"Since you were taking care of your feline companion, I suppose I will let your tardiness slide." Your eyes widened in shock and a relived smile grew on your face. 

"However!" Trein said in a stern voice, which made you jump. "Do not be tardy again."

You nodded and quickly made your way to your seat. Epel greeted you a good morning as you took a seat next to him. You returned the greeting as you scrambled to get your materials out.

As this whole event unfolded, Vil stared at the back your head. Just looking at your uneven tie, loosely buttoned vest, and disheveled hair, made him internally frustrated. Oh, how he wanted to brush your hair and fix your tie. But he couldn't disturb the class. He tried to ignore your sloppy attire as he drew his focus on the lesson. However, his eyes kept landing back on you. But not because of frustration. No matter your appearance, you were very intriguing.  

Class finally concluded, and you walked out of class with a yawn. You were still quite drowsy after all. All of a sudden, you were backed up into a wall. A hand slammed right next to your head. You see Vil's face inches away from yours. You stare back in shock as your face turns into a bright shade of red. 

"I can't take it anymore." He said as his violet eyes stared back into yours. He then scanned your body up and down. You could feel your heart jump our of your chest. You were so flustered and confused, you were frozen in place. He was so close that you could see every detail of his flawless face. 

"Don't move." He said as you began to unravel your tie. 

"Ehh! W-what are you doing?!" You exclaim as you squirmed. 

"I said don't move." He said as he continued to tie your tie into a bow. You looked back at him as he fixed your attire. His expression was focused yet irritated. His skin was a clear as glass, and his hair shined like the finest silk. He brushed off the cat hair from your uniform, and he re-buttoned your buttons. He then pulled out a comb from his pocket and began to brush your hair. Your face grew red at his gesture, but it did feel nice.

"You may not have magic, but you can still take care of your appearance, can't you? It's not an excuse to look sloppy." He said as he took a few steps back to admire his work. You look down at your uniform, and see how cleanly your clothing laid on your body.

"Thanks Vil! The bow is really cute!" 

"But of course! A bow is more fitting for you." He said as he made one last adjustment on you. "However my services don't come for free."  You look back at him with worry.

"Well.. you see, I don't have any money." You say nervously. 

"I'm not asking for money. I need you to run to the store with me. I'd like some fresh fruit, and I could also use someone to carry my bags."

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