Riddle Rosehearts x Reader - Rose Garden

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You were sitting in your magic history class, struggling to pay attention because of Professor Trein's monotone voice. An occasional meow from Lucifer would make you wake up for a few moments. To your side, you saw Ace and Grim on the verge to fall asleep. For Deuce however, he seemed to be very infatuated with the lesson. Professor Trein had told the class that they would have a test at the end of the week about the materials that they have just learned. You could hear the groans spread across the room.

"Studying for this test is going to be such a pain." You say as you begun to pack your things.

"Ugh don't remind me." Ace said as he laid his head on top of the table and dangled his arms off the side of the desk. "If I don't pass this test, Riddle will have my head! Pun intended." You and Deuce could only sigh at his terrible joke.

"Hey Y/N, " Deuce started as he turned to you. "Would you like study with us at Heartslabyul? I'm sure if we study together we could progress much faster. Also we have our senpais close by if we need help."

"Sure that sounds great! It's been boring studying by myself at the Ramshackle dorm anyway." You replied.

After all of your classes have ended, you all walked towards the Heartslabyul dorm. As you opened the door, you were met with Riddle's stern face. He looked very prim and proper with his traditional Heartslabyul clothing. You couldn't help but think how cute he looked with his serious face combined with his small stature.

"Ace, Deuce, I heard you had an upcoming test." Riddle said as he stared threatening at the pair. "You better study hard this week and present good results." Riddle finally noticed your presence and his cheeks started to slowly turn pink. "Y/N? What brings you here?" He asked with surprise.

"Ace and Deuce asked me to study with them, since we have the same classes after all." You replied.

"Ah, I see. Please come in." Riddle said as he gestured for you to come inside. He felt a bit jealous that you would be studying with those two trouble makers. If you needed help with academics, you should be asking him, he thought.

You made it to Ace's room and you all sat down at the table. You begun to take your study materials out and started to get to work. After a while, all of your brains began to burn out. You has some papers scattered across the table. Ace and Grim were sprawled out on the floor as Deuce read the same paragraph over and over again, realizing he didn't even know what he just read. 

However, as you all were studying, Riddle made some tea and a cookie platter. It was mostly meant for you, but he knew that the others would whine if they didn't get any. "Trey come here," Riddle said as he gestured towards him. "I need you to give them their afternoon tea." Trey looked back at him in confusion.

"Oh, this is rare. You don't normally prepare tea for others, let alone a cookie platter." Trey thought about it for a moment, but slowly began to catch on. "Riddle, maybe you should bring it to them, since Y/N is there." Said Trey with his signature smirk. Riddle flinched at his sentence, making his cheeks slowly become red.

"A-ahem, just because Y/N is here doesn't mean we should ignore the rules. We all must have our afternoon tea at 4:00. Also I have some business to attend to."

"Alright dorm leader," Trey said as he left toward Ace's room, leaving Riddle slightly flustered. 

During the midst of your studying, Trey entered with a tray of tea and cookies. "Hey guys, It's time for your afternoon tea." He said as he placed the platter down on the table. Your eyes sparkled at the assortment of cookies and the fancy tea cups.

"Woah this looks so good! Thank you Trey!" You said as you grabbed a cookie.

"Don't thank me, thank Riddle. "He replied. Both Ace and Deuce's eyes widened.

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