Jamil Viper x Reader - Party Preparations

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In the hallways of the Sacarbia, you hear a certain enthusiastic prince running towards the kitchen. He slammed open the door startling Jamil in the process of preparing lunch.

"Hey Jamil! I realized that tomorrow is the 100th day of our school year! Let's have a party!" Kalim said with sparkles in his eyes. Jamil looked back at him and sighed. He could only imagine the large amount of work he will have to do.

"If that is what you wish, then I shall start preparations." He said as he turned back his attention to preparing food. "We can talk about the details over lunch."

Everyone was gathered in the dining hall sitting on the large carpets. Everyone was murmuring with excitement since Kalim already spread the news about the party. The dishes were brought out, and the delicious aroma traveled around the room. Once the dishes were served, Jamil took a seat next to Kalim.

"Hey, why don't we invite everyone from the other dorms!"Kalim said as he turned to Jamil

"Kalim, we can't fit the whole school in our dorm. Perhaps this can be a celebration for just the Sacabia students." He replied with a sigh. Kalim, wore a slight frown since he wouldn't be able to invite everyone. However, a certain someone popped up in his head.

"Then, can we invite Y/N and Grim?" He said. Just at the mention of your name, Jamil felt his face warm up. He tried his best to conceal his feeling because surely Kalim would make fun of him, and he would be drawing more attention to himself than ever.

"The prefect of the Ramshackle dorm? I don't see why not." He said hiding his blush.

"Yay! Make sure you visit the Ramshackle dorm later so you can let Y/N know."

"Yes, dorm head."

After lunch was over and everything was cleaned up, Jamil headed towards your dorm. Every foot step he took, his heart began to beat faster.

"Why am I feeling like this?" He said as he clenched his chest. "I'm just inviting Y/N for a party, nothing more." He finally arrived and stood at the front of the door. His hand hesitated to knock. He took a deep breath, then knocked on the door. After a few seconds that felt like eternity, you slowly opened the door.

"Oh hello Jamil, what bring you here?" You say as his face slowly reddened. His breath hitched at the view of your beautiful face. He quickly regained his composure.

"Kalim is throwing a party tomorrow to celebrate the 100th day of school. Per his request, he had invited you and Grim." The anticipation for your response was killing him.

"We would love to go!" You say with a bright smile. Your expression made his heart skip a beat.

"Excellent, then I shall see you tomorrow." He said as he waved goodbye as he walked away. The picture of your smile was still stuck in his head. He grinned to himself as he made his way back to Scarabia.

When he returned, he started making preparations right way. He began to marinate meat, chopping vegetables, and started brewing some stew. He then began to clean and decorate the dorm with the help from other students. Kalim sensed that there was something different about Jamil. He seemed more determined or enthusiastic than usual.

"Hey Jamil," Kalim said as he watched him chop vegetables. "You seem really happy! Did something happen?" Jamil was taken aback. He knew that Kalim was a really extroverted and goofy person, but he was really good a reading people.

"Nothing really happened. I just feel the same as always." He replied not making eye contact with him. Kalim raised an eyebrow at his response.

"Hmm, are you sure? I saw you smiling to yourself as you were cooking." Jamil froze.

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