Floyd Leech x Reader - Ballroom

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After the long days of school work and classes, it was finally the weekend. You wanted to do some light reading, so your ventured outside for a good reading spot. Of course, Grim couldn't even bring himself to wake up, so he stayed at the Ramshackle dorm. You found a tree with enough leaves to shield you from the sun, and the grass was soft to sit on. You leaned back on the trunk and began to read. You were so engrossed in your book, that you didn't notice that someone was sneaking up on you.

They went right by your ear and said, "Hey Koebi-chan~" You jumped at the noise and quickly turned around. The hum of the voice sent a shiver up your spine. You were met with heterochromatic eyes and a toothy smile. You could notice those sharp teeth anywhere.

"Floyd! You scared me!" You said as you try to calm your racing heart.

"Hehe, sorry Koebi-chan! You look so cute where you're startled." He eyed you up and down, admiring your flustered form. 

"What are you doing here?" You ask. Floyd stayed silent and only stared back at you with his heterochromatic eyes. His cheeks were tinted with red and he had a goofy smile. "Um, Floyd? Are you ok?" You say as you stare back at him. He leaned closer to you until your noses were almost touching. 

"Ahh you're so cute I want to squeeze you!" He suddenly wrapped his arms around you and brought your head towards his chest. However his tight grip wasn't doing well for your lungs.

"Floyd, you're hugging me too hard!" He only continued his firm embrace, and you both started to slowly tilt backwards. Your back hit the soft grass and Floyd used his hand to cushion your head. He was hovering over you, with his face inches from yours. Your faced started to heat up, and you cheeks were tinted with red. He chuckled at your expression. 

"Koebi-chan, you're so cute I can't stop myself." He said as he brought his face closer to yours. Your heart began to race and your face became warm. Before he came any closer, a voice had interrupted.

"Floyd! You're suppost to be at the Monstro Lounge." You both turn your heads, and you see Jade with his arms crossed with an unamused face. "There are preparations that need to be finished, this is no time to dilly dally." Jade said with a sigh. Floyd got off of you and offered his hand to help you stand up.

"Humph, I just really wanted to see Koebi-chan." Floyd murmured with a pout. Jade looked toward you, then smiled.

"Then why don't you invite her to the party?" He said. Floyd's eyes started to sparkle and he turned to face you.

"Koebi-chan! You should come to our party!" He exclaimed with excitement.

"A party?" You reply. Jade stepped in to explain.

"Today is actually the anniversary of the Monstro Lounge, so Azul wanted to hold a party to celebrate. It will start at 8 pm and end at midnight. Will you be joining us?" As you were contemplating wether or not you should go, Floyd crouched to your height level and showed you puppy dog eyes. At this point you couldn't refuse.

With a sigh you said, "Sure, I'll go." 

"Yay!" Floyd shouted as he gave you another suffocating hug. "I'll see you soon Koebi-chan!" They both waved goodbye to you and walked away. You sighed thinking what type of chaos you may have gotten yourself into. But at the same time, you were excited.

It was finally time for the party and you arrived at the front of Octavinlle. You slowly opened the door, and you were met with the hustle bustle of all the students, and some jazz music in the background. The Monstro Lounge looked a little different. Most of the black leather couches and tables were moved to the walls, leaving the center of the room bare. The glow from the aquarium highlighted the floor. There were students dancing with each other along with the music. Others were enjoying drinks and snacks. Floyd saw you from the corner of his eye and ran towards you.

"Koebi-chan! You made it!" He exclaimed. He was dressed in his Octavinelle uniform with his bow tie undone, and his shirt buttoned loosely. His hat had a purple bow with a seashell. You must say, he looked quite dapper. Floyd suddenly grasped your hand. He slowly lifted your hand to his lips and gave it a small kiss. Your face turned red, and your heart started racing. His cheeks were also tinted red as he stared into your eyes. "Lets go dance!" He said as he gave you a small wink and started to dragged you towards the dance floor.  

"W-wait, I don't know how to dance!" You said as you attempted to escape from from his grasp. Of course his strength overcame yours, and you both ended up on the center of the dance floor. 

"Don't worry I'll help you!" He said as he held both of your hands and started slowly swaying side to side. You kept your head down trying to hide your blush. Floyd noticed this and a sly smirk formed on his face. He slowly snaked one hand around your waist and held your hand with the other. He brought you closer to his body and brought his face closer to yours. His sharp eyes pierced into yours. "When you're dancing with someone, you have to look them in the eyes." He said as he looked at your flustered face. You were so nervous that you couldn't talk, so you just nodded on response.

He helped you do basic ballroom dance moves like the box step and a natural turn. The whole time, he had a a smug smile across his face. He liked how the light from the aquarium would highlight your embarrassed expression. The whole time you danced together, your heart was beating at an exponential rate. You wanted to hide your face, but Floyd made sure that didn't happen. 

All of a sudden, he spun you around, then put his arm around your lower back. He slowly dipped you down. You were bent back as his arm supported your weight. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, afraid that you were going to fall backwards. This caused yourself to bring your face  closer to his. His eyes widened in surprised, but then it turned into a smile. He hovered over you and smirked with his sharp teeth. He leaned forward, with your lips centimeters away. You could feel his breath against your skin. You could hear your heart beating in your chest. He could feel your arms slightly tremble. He took his hat off of his head and used it to shield both of your faces. Before he moved any further he muttered, "Y/N... I love you..."

His lips finally connected with yours. Your eyes widened in shock, and your face was burning hot. The kiss was very brief, and you both stood straight up. The sensation of his lips still lingered. You both stood there in silence as you stared at each other. The glow from the aquarium illuminated his face. You look back at him saw that he had a love stricken expression. So many things were going inside your head. You couldn't even process what had happened. You legs were trembling and they eventually gave out.

Before you hit the floor, Floyd caught you. He carries you outside and places you on a bench for some fresh air. You both sit there in silence for a couple moments. He would twiddle his thumbs and glance at you with side eyes. You have never seen Floyd quiet like this before. Your head finally cooled, and you rationally decipher tonights events. 

"F-Floyd... about what you said..." You fiddled with the hem of your uniform."Was it true?" You ask with a quiver. Floyd looked back at you with wide eyes and grabbed both of your shoulders to make you face him.

"Yes! All of that was true!" His expression was a bit sullen. He was sad that you didn't think his feelings were true at first. His grip on your shoulder loosened, and he wrapped his arms around you. He brought your head into his chest, and touched your silky hair. "Y/N... I love you so much."

You wrap your arms around his torso and drew soothing circles on his back. "Floyd, I love you too." You say. He hugged you even tighter and buried his head in your shoulder. You both stayed in that position, enjoying each others warmth. Eventually, you both ditched that party to hang out elsewhere.

For some reason, when you were both dancing, you forgot you were in a room filled with other people. And that you were at the center of attention on the dance floor. So... everyone saw. Cater used this opportunity to take as much pictures as he could. 

Jade and Azul were quite dumbfounded. But after a few moments, a chuckle both escaped their lips. "Jade, we should prepare for a wedding celebration." Azul said. Jade smirked in response.

"Yes, I shall start planning right away."

author's note:

skjkjkj I finally made reader-chan kiss someone hehe~ Also, have you seen the new cards for Jamil, Ace, and Leona!?!? They are so beautiful AGHGGHG! Ace in a suit hits different hehe. Also thank you all for 5k aghgh! I'm glad that you enjoy my stories! Love you all!!! <3

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