Ace Trappola x Reader - A Morning Nap

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      Grim walks down the stone paved pathway leading towards Night Raven College. You follow close behind at a swift pace. He seems quite excited to start class officially as a student. Well, even if he only counts as half of a student. Up ahead you see statues of the Great Seven, which Ace had explained briefly about, even when he was a bit rude about it after. For some reason, they seem quite familiar and you can't seem to put a finger on it. However, this lead to the memory of Ace and Grim accidentally burning the statue of the Queen of Hearts. You can't help but sigh at the thought of it. Even so, with all the trouble that he and Grim has caused, it is still a funny story to have. Perhaps these are the stories that brought you closer together.

       "Oi Y/N!" Grim shouted, "Pick up the pace! I don't want to be late for class!" You sigh and followed with slight irritation written in your face.

        "Grim, we are super, super early. I know you're excited to go to class, but isn't this a bit much?" You said to Grim as a yawn escaped your mouth. "You woke me up pretty early, and I didn't even get to eat breakfast" 

        "They probably have food at the school, maybe we can snatch up some snacks! I wonder if they have canned tuna!" Grim smirked and licked his lips.

        "I doubt it" you reply, "Usually they are still preparing food in the morning to get it ready for lunch. I also don't want to bother the staff, since we kinda have a reputation already". 

          Your stomach growls as you proceed down the stone paved walkway, following Grim as best as you could. The walking has only made you hungrier and hungrier.

                You finally arrive at the classroom, which was of course, empty. You take a seat by the window, staring outside at the clouds. You tried to fill your mind with thoughts to avoid the feeling of hunger, but it was hopeless. 

          "I wonder if Ace or Deuce have the same class as me," you thought to yourself, "I really hope so, since I don't know anyone else. Now that I think about it, Ace was the first student I talked to since I arrived here. Well, besides Grim. I thought he was quite nice explaining the Great Seven to us. But, his two faced personality caught me off guard. I guess that's just how he is. "

A couple minutes have passed and not even one student has arrived. You gave a long sigh and rested your head on the table using your folded arms as a cushion.

        "See Grim, we came way too early," you said as  your eyes wanted to flutter close.

        "Well it's better early than late!" Grim said as smirked to himself.

        "I guess," you replied with a drowsy voice and half lidded eyes. "Wake me up when class starts." 

You slowly drift to sleep as Grim rests his head on his paw, since he became bored as well. After a bit of time, Grim's ear twitched as he heard footsteps from the hallway. he looked at the entry way to see if the person would walk into their class. A boy with swoopy, red, hair and a red heart on his eye stepped into the classroom. He scanned the classroom and saw Grim and your sleeping form on the desk.

       "Grim? Y/N? I didn't know we were in the same class," Ace said as he glanced at you sleeping peacefully. "You guys are pretty early, looks little supervisor over here is a bit sleepy."

       "Well of course! We as official students must arrive to class on time! I made Y/N wake up early so we can be ready for our first class!" Grim stated with his chin up and chest puffed out.

         "Phhft, how lame! You came this early for class?! Even Supervisor had to take a nap this early in the day! Ace said as he began to chuckle, "How long have you been here anyway?"

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