Cater Diamond x Reader - Phone Charm

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The lunch bell rang and you went straight to the cafeteria. As you exited the classroom, you could see all the students rushing just to get their favorite dish before they ran out. Of course that included Grim as he swerved between the other students under their feet. Eventually, you got your food and went to go sit with Grim, Ace and Deuce. You guys had small talk here and there like complaining about classes, asking for homework answers, and other things.

Cater saw you at the corner of his eye, and went to to your table.  Trey eventually followed. "Hello first years!" Cater said as he sat next to you. Probably a little too close. "What have you guys been up to?" He said with his usual smile.

Deuce sighed and replied, "Riddle-senpai said It's my turn to feed the flamingos today, but there is a small problem." His faced turned into a pout.

"Oh, and what would that be?" Trey replied. 

"The only pink that I own is pink leopard printed pants." Deuce said as he grew a blush on his face. "Why must we follow the rule that makes you wear pink when you feed the flamingos?" The whole table laughed, only making him turn even more red. 

"Don't worry Deuce-chan, you can borrow some of my clothes." Cater said between laughs.

"Really!? Thank you so much Cater-senpai!" Deuce responded with relief. 

"Hey we should all take a picture together!" Cater said as he took out his phone. You weren't prepared so you just put on a smile and did some awkward peace signs. However, before he took the picture, he wrapped his hand around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest. You were surprised and your face instantly started to heat up. He took the picture as you were still in your flustered form.

"Y/N-chan, your face is so cute!" Cater said as he pointed to your face in the picture.

"Cater delete that!" You exclaimed as you tried to reach for his phone. He held his phone out of your reach with a grin on his face. He was obviously using his height to his advantage, and liked to see you struggle.

"No way!" He said as he stuck out his tongue. "Hey what's your username so I can tag you on Magicame?" 

"No don't post it!" You whined as your face turns even more red. "I don't even have a phone, let alone a Magicame account." Cater's eyes widened and he gasps.

"You don't have a phone!? That's crazy! You're like an endangered species." He says with his continued shocked expression. "I know a place to get the newest models for cheap. How about we go on a date to choose one?"

"A d-date!?" You turned your head avoiding eye contact with him. Your heart started beating fast. You were in deep thought, trying to decipher what he just said."But, I don't even have the money to pay for one anyway," You reply.

"No worries! I'll get one for you!" Cater said as he slung his arm around your shoulder.

"No I can't make you do that, aren't phones really expensive?" You reply.

"It's okay Y/N-chan! I didn't say it was cheap for no reason! Also..." He slowly brought his face closer to yours, "I want to be able to hear your voice more often." Your eyes widened and you immediately looked away and buried your face into your hands. You could hear your own heart beats. You were scared that Cater could hear it too. "So, will you meet me after school today?" He said as he gave you a smile. 

You thought about it for a moment. You thought that it would help you have better communication with the others in case you needed help. It did also mean that you could talk to Cater more often.

"S-sure," You said with a slight stutter. 

"Awesome! I'll see you after school!" He said a he waved goodbye. You both went to your respective classes, but you weren't able to focus. You kept thinking if Cater was serious about it being a date. You secretly hoped it was. You couldn't wait to see him again. Professor Crewel realized you were spacing out, so he hit the table infront of you with his baton. This made you jump and caused you to snap back into reality. You didn't want to know what it felt to be hit by his baton.

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