Ruggie Bucchi x Reader - Clumsy

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Ever since you went to Night Raven College, you had entered a world of magic and fairy tales. You went to class like any other student. You studied potions, magic history, and many other topics. However the only difference was that you possessed no magic compared to your classmates. You knew that you were at a disadvantage, and you grew quite worried that you could get hurt more easily.

You were never a very clumsy person, but something peculiar started occurring. Sometimes you would accidentally drop your books, or you would accidentally knock things off tables. Now, these things seemed quite normal. What started to worry you was that you would trip on your own feet, or you would miss a step on the stairs. This would happen quite often.

Despite all of these occurrences, you never got hurt. Every time you tripped or stumbled, your classmate Ruggie would alway catch you. Every time you would drop your papers, he would help you pick them up. Almost every time you had a clumsy occurrence, Ruggie was there to help you. It almost seemed like he new when you would trip.

You were very close friends with the hyena, so you would naturally hang out with Leona and Jack occasionally. You were getting worried about your clumsiness, so you decided to talk to Leona about it. Perhaps someone put a curse on you, or you're just not getting enough exersize you thought.

You knocked on Leona's door and only heard a yawn on the other side. You went into his room and see Leona still laying in the bed.

"You need something?" He groaned as he sat up.

"Yeah, I think there is something wrong with me" Leona looked at you with an annoyed expression.

"Of course there is, you managed to get into this school without magic," he responds.

"No I didn't mean that," you say as you shake your head. "Lately, I have been really clumsy and I'm not sure why. It happens way too frequently to be accidents. I feel bad for Ruggie because he always catches me before I fall."

He slowly turns in his bed to face you. "Hmm, do you feel anything odd whenever you're about to trip?" He asks. you think about his question for a bit, then you realized you did feel a bit odd.

"I think I do feel weird right before something happens, I'm not sure if it's my imagination but I does feel like I would lose control of my body for a split second." Leona realized what was happening started to laugh. You look back at him in confusion.

"What's so funny?" You ask.

"There is nothing for you to worry about," he managed to say between laughs. "As long as Ruggie is there, you will be fine." You could only raise an eyebrow at his response.

"What is that supposed to mean?" You reply.

"It means exactly what I said, now go away so I can take my nap." Leona said as he laid back down on his bed. You exit his room confused. After you left the room, Leona noticed that someone was listening in to your converstation.

"It's rude to listen to other peoples converations Jack." Leona said. Jack walked into his room and looked at Leona in a stern yet nervous face.

"I'm just curious about Y/N's situation." He responds. "Their clumsiness happens way too often, one day I'm sure they will get hurt. It's almost like someone must have put a curse of them."

"Well, you're not wrong." Leona said as he sits up. "I can see your curious, so I'll tell you. But, don't say a word of this to anyone, understand?" Jack nodded in response. "Ok, so Ruggie is courting Y/N, in his own little way. He's purposely making them trip just so he can save them, like a knight in shining armor."

"Ruggie has a crush on Y/N?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Shhhhh!" Leona said as he put a finger towards his lips. "Quiet, we don't want anyone else hearing. Now let's just leave them be and see what happens."

The next day after school, you and Ruggie went to go study at the library. The book that you wanted was all the way on the top shelf, so you went to go get a step ladder. You slowly climbed to the top and reached for the book. A sly smirk grew on Ruggie's lips. "Y/N, be carful!" 

"Don't worry, I will!" You replied as you tried to grab the book. All of a sudden, you feel your weight shift. You tried to regain your center of gravity, but your body leaned by itself. You started to fall. You closed your eyes and clenched your teeth preparing to hit the floor. However, instead of hitting the hard floor, you fall into someone's arms. One arm was around your back, while the other held your legs. You were being carried like a princess. 

You look up and see Ruggie's sly smirk. He had a small blush across his cheeks. "I told you to be careful," He said as he slowly put you down, "You're really light, have you been eating enough?"

You only stood there stunned. It took a moment for you to speak again. "T-thanks for always catching me." Ruggie could only chuckle at your blushing face. "But, it is kinda weird that you alway catch me without fail. Do you have powers to predict the future or something?" You ask.

He averted eye contact and gulped. He started to laugh nervously, "Sh-shishi, I can just tell when you're about to fall."

You look back at in inquisitively. "But, how can you tell?" You brought your face closer to his, forcing him to make eye contact with you. "U-ummm, w-why don't you get your book, then we can head back to SavannaClaw?" He managed to say with a nervous stutter.

"Fine, I'm still curious though."

You managed to get your book and started to walk back to SavannaClaw. It was silent between you two, but you had to find out why you were clumsy like this. You though about what Leona had told you, and decided to tell Ruggie.

"Today I went to talk to Leona about how I've been really clumsy lately." You could see Ruggie stiffen when you mentioned Leona's name. "I've been really scared that I might get hurt one day, but he said that I will be fine as long as I am with you. But that makes me wonder... do you have something to do with this?"

Ruggie stoped walking, and looked back at you with a sad and guilty expression. "I'm sorry..." he said with a quiet voice. You look back at him confused, "Are you alright, why are you sorry?"

"I-I... I'm the one that had been putting you in danger. I'm the one making you trip all the time. Even just at the library, that was me too." You could only look back at him in silence. He slowly walked up to you and held your hand ever so delicately, almost like it would break. "My unique magic, "laugh with me" allows me to control someone's movements. I-I just wanted to be able to touch you more often. I want to be closer to you."

You could see that his eyes turned glossy. You slowly wrapped your arms around him and brought him into an embrace. You could feel his body stiffen, but then relax as he wrapped his arms around your torso. You drew soothing circles around his back. "Ruggie, you should have told me instead of using your magic on me. I want to become closer to you as well." He hugged you tighter, he didn't want to let you go. You stayed in each others embrace for a while, until you finally started walking back to the dorm hand in hand.

"So you did all of that just so you could touch me?" You said as you begin to giggle. "You're so cute!"

"Hey, don't make fun of me!" He replied with a blush.

author's note:

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!! Sorry that this is a bit shorter. The school year for me is about to end and I have some assignments piled up. so just a heads up, i won't be updating as frequently for this upcoming month. However, i still hope you enjoyed, and thank you so much for the support! I love you all <3

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