Deuce Spade x Reader - I'll Protect You

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"You will all have all these potions and elixirs memorized by the next test." Said Professor Crewel as he waved his baton threateningly. "Now be good little pups and study hard." You sigh as you slowly pack up your things. All this memorization is making your brain hurt. Also it's not like Grim is going to be of any help. You look at Deuce sitting next to you with his brows knitted together as he looks at the long list he has to memorize. Deuce noticed you staring at him and grew a small blush.

"Ahem, is something the matter?" He said as he looks at you with side eyes.

"Oh sorry!" You said as you looked away. "It's just that you looked quite troubled." Deuce glanced at the paper in his hands, then turns in his seat to face you.

"It's because of all these potions we must memorize." He says with a worried tone. "I'm not very good with my academics, so memorization will be quite a challenge." He then put his hand on his chin and looked to the side as if he was in deep thought. After a few seconds his eyes lit up, but then he became a bit bashful as he looked back to you."U-umm may I ask you a favor?" He asks with a nervous tone. Watching him being shy in front of you was quite cute you thought.

"Let me guess, do you want me to help you study?" You ask. His eyes widen and a blush forms across his cheeks.

"Would you, please?" He said with a sigh. You couldn't help how cute he looked. His eyes were like a puppy. Of course you couldn't refuse.

"Yes of course!" You reply. "Studying is more fun with friends!"

"Thank you so much!" Deuce exclaims. " Would you be okay with studying at the Heartslabyul Dorm?

"Sure, but I'm going to stop by my dorm first so I can leave the work I don't need, and gather some study materials." You reply.

"Perfect!" Deuce said enthusiastically. "I will meet you then!" You both exit the classroom, excited to have a study session together once classes are done.

You and Grim walk down the pathway towards the Ramshackle Dorm. Once you arrived, you gathered your supplies and left unneeded papers. You stop by the mirror to check your appearance. You ponder if you should put on some makeup, or style your hair. You thought to yourself "A little lip tint couldn't hurt." You applied a coral colored tint and walked towards the door. "Are you sure you don't want to study with us?" You said to Grim.

"The Great Grim doesn't need to study!" He said with his chested puffed out and hands on his hips. "The test isn't until the end of the week anyway."

"Okay then, suit yourself." You replied as you left the dorm. You walked down the main hall which eventually lead to the hall of mirrors.. However, you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched. You increased your pace. Each step felt heavy and echoed across the hallway. You looked around at your surroundings and didn't see any other students around. The feeling did not go away and you grew more anxious. You finally made it to the hall and rushed over the the mirror leading to the Heartslabyul Dorm.

Before you could go through, a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you back."Hey, what are you doing here alone?" In front of you was three students from the SavannaClaw Dorm. They were all very intimidatingly tall and muscular.

"You should hang out with us little kitten." One of them said.

"Sorry I'm kinda in a hurry," you replied with a slight quiver in your voice."Could you let go of me please"

The SvavannaClaw students could only chuckle, and gripped your wrist even tighter. "Don't be shy, we only bite a little."

"Yeah come on!" Another said as he sniffed a lock of your hair. "I love a game of cat and mouse." Your legs were trembling. Your eyes were wide. the pain on your wrist only grew. There was no one else around. You didn't know what to do.

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