Epel Felmier x Reader - Lunchtime

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You were walking towards the library with a large stack of books in your arms.  They were stacked high with books of potion recipes and magic spells and they were quite heavy. Your arms began  to shake as the immense weight of the books made your muscles burn. Before your arms gave out from the weight, someone had taken the whole stack off books from out of your hands. You were met with large blue eyes and smooth lavender hair.

"I can take these to the library for you" he said. 

"Epel! Thank you so much! My arms were about to give out." You said as your massage your shoulder.

"It's really no problem." He said as he walked with you towards the library. He carried all the books the whole time until you arrived at the library to return them.

"Thanks for your help! You're really strong! I kinda feel bad for making you carry all of those." You say as you both walk out of the library. Epel's face started to heat up. You complimenting his strength made him feel happy. He was usually mistaken as a women, or was complimented for more of his feminine features. So he was really glad that you noticed his masculine qualities.

"T-thanks, if you even need help again, you can come to me." He said with a small smile. His expression made you melt into a puddle. You could feel your heart begin to race and you face begin to warm. His cuteness was too bright. He looked just like a prince as the light from the windows illuminated his figure "Hey Y/N?" Epel said as he waved his hand infront of your face. "Are you alright?" You realized hat you have been staring at him for a bit too long, admiring his large eyes and smooth skin. 

"Ah, sorry!" You exclaimed as  You quickly turned you head away to hid your red tinted face. Epel noticed your red dusted cheeks, and began to feel butterflies in his stomach. He looked away and twiddled his thumbs as if he was contemplating something. He seemed quite nervous. With a deep breath, he looked back to you.

"Y/N, w-would you like to eat lunch with me today?" He asked as he fiddled with his fingers. He has had feelings for you for quite some time, and Rook would tease him constantly. Nevertheless, he wanted to spend more time with you. He was quite nervous since he had always wanted to enjoy a meal with you. Just being in your presence made him feel at ease. He waited with nervous anticipation for your response. Your eyes began to sparkle as you look back at him with excitement. 

"Sure I would love to!" You said as you began to walk to your classroom. "I'll meet you in the dinning hall!" You waved goodbye before you disappeared down the hallway. When you were out of sight, he threw his fist in the air in excitement with a giddy expression in his face.

"Yes!" He silently shouted to himself. 

From the opposite building, Rook and Vil were walking down the hallway. They were discussing the future modeling shows that Vil will have to prepare for, and more skin care products that needs to be tested. However from out of the window, Rook noticed something. With is excellent eyesight, he happened to see you rounding the corner of the hallway with red tinted cheeks, followed by Epel's tangent of excitement through the other building. A mischievous smirk grew on his lips.

"Rook, why did you stop?" Said Vil with irritation laced in his voice. He chuckled in response as he gestured through the window.

"It seems like Monsieur Himeringo finally confronted Y/N. This blossoming love is absolutely beautiful!" Vil sighed in response and continued to wall down the hallway.

"It's about time." Vil said as he continued his brisk walk. "However I must say, I'm quite curious how they will turn out."

The lunch bell rang across the campus, and a crowd of students slowly filtered into the cafeteria. Epel quickly got his food and went to save vacant table. He could feel his body fill with excitement and nervousness. His heart would race  in anticipation as he would constantly glance towards the entrance, hoping to see your form. 

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