Leona Kingscholar X Reader- Babysitting

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Class had finally ended, and you started to pack up your things. However, a certain lion did not show up to class today...again. You could only sigh, thinking that he was probably taking a nap somewhere. You asked for an extra worksheet from the teacher, so you could give it to Leona.

"Look like he skipped today also." You said as you walked in the hallway with Ruggie. He sighed in response. 

"I've been telling him that he would be held back if he doesn't go to class."He replied.

"He is a dorm leader, right" You ask. "I thought he would be more disciplined."

"Well, I guess our Leona-san is a special case." He said as he walked towards the cafeteria. "You find Leona, I'm going to get him his lunch." You watch Ruggie as he disappears into the crowd of hungry students. You felt bad for him. It's almost like he is Leona's personal butler. Actually, a babysitter is more fitting.

"Hmm, out of all the places he could sleep, where would he be?" You thought as you walked down the stone path."It has to be there." You said as you walked towards the garden. You strolled down the garden pathway admiring all the plant and flowers. You eventually came across a tree with small flower buds littered within the leaves. You look down and see a certain sleeping lion on the grass.

You slowly sit on the grass next to him, and looked at his sleeping face. It was quite cute you thought. He was usually quite intimidating when he is awake, but he look so peaceful when his guard was down. However this wasn't a time to admire his face. You put your hand on his shoulder and shook it gently.

"Hey, wake up. I brought some school work you need to do." You said in a quiet voice. Leona groaned and his eyes slowly fluttered open. All of a sudden, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you under him. Your back was on the grass, and your hand was pinned above your head. He was on top of you, and his face was inches from yours.

"It's dangerous to wake a sleeping lion Y/N." He said in a drowsy tone. He had a sly smirk plastered on this face. The hum in his voice sent shivers down your spine. Your heart began to race and your whole face turned red. He chuckled at your flustered expression.

"Leona-san! Y/N! Where are you?" You both heard Ruggie in the distance.

"Tch." Leona clicked his tongue and got off of you. You slowly sat up with a flustered face and saw Ruggie walking towards you.

"There you guys are!" He said as he held a bag of food. "Leona-san, I got the sandwich you wanted. Oh also, I got you a treat Y/N!" He said as he sat next to you.

"Really?! You said as your eyes twinkled. He took out a small box with a ribbon wrapped around it. You slowly untied the ribbon and opened the lid. Inside was an assortment of mochi. There were many different colors and flavors. The whole arrangement made it look like jewels. "Woah! These look delicious! Thank you so much Ruggie!" You said as you patted his head. He giggled as your soft hands touched his hair.

You and Ruggie didn't notice, but Leona's sharp eyes were glaring at Ruggie. He felt a bit of jealousy after all. He turned on his side so his back was facing you. You look back at Leona, and you could tell he was irritated. 

"Leona, you should eat your food before our lunch break ends." You say as you tap his shoulder. He stared back at you with his emerald eyes. He sighed then finally sat up.

"Fine." He said as he unwrapped his sandwich and began to eat. You all began to eat your food and had small talk here and there. But it was mostly conversation between you and Ruggie, and Leona would jump in with a snide remark once in a while.

"Hey Ruggie, would you like a piece of mochi?" You asked.

"Really! Can I!" He replied with excitement.

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