Rook Hunt x Reader - Rainstorm

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You strolled down the courtyard trying to stay under the shade of the trees. You had just finished your P.E class and you were exhausted. Your muscles were sore from the laps you ran and the pushups and sit ups you did. Exercising outside under the hot sun only made the workouts more exhausting. From the corner of your eye, you see a certain blond haired hunter walking towards you.

"Bonjour Y/N! My my, you're looking beautiful like always!" He said as he walked by your side. You face grew red at his comment. His close proximity was not helping to calm your racing heart.

"A-ah thank you. You look beautiful as well." You say with a stutter. Rook chuckled at your flustered expression. He admired your bright eyes and silk like hair. Your cheeks were tinted with red. However, he noticed the redness wasn't from blushing. He suddenly placed and hand on your shoulder and turn you so you would face him. He brought his face closer to yours, analyzing your red skin. He brought his hand to your cheek, caressing your face and he used his thumb to touch the redness on your cheek.

"U-ummm, what are you doing?" You say as you gaze back into his green eyes. You could feel your heart jumping out of your chest. As his face got closer, you closed your eyes. You prepared yourself for what might come next .

"Oh dear, your skin is sun burned!"

"Huh?" You replied in confusion.

"When you went to exercise, the sun burned your beautiful skin. You have to remember to put on an SPF before you go outside."

You hid your face in your hands experiencing second hand embarrassment. It seems like you misread the situation.

"Please don't cover your beautiful face like that. There is no need to be embarrassed." He said as he carefully took your hand and pulled it off of your face.

"Oh don't worry, I wasn't embarrassed because of that . You were just really close, and I got nervous." A grin grew on Rooks lips.

"Perhaps, were you expecting something else to happen?"

"Ehhh?! A-ah n-no, of course not." You replied as you rapidly shook your head

You look back at him as you touch the burned part of your face. It felt rough, and it slightly stung. Rook took out a small jar and put the ointment on your face.

"This should make the pain more tolerable, and it should heal you burns soon." He said as he continued to apply the ointment until all of you burns were covered. It was very smooth and cooling to the skin. "Here, apply this ointment everyday until your burns heal." He said as he hands you the container. "Also use this SPF cream everyday, it will protect your skin from the sun." He takes out a small bottle and gives it to you.

"Are you sure I can have these?" You question. You assume these products must be expensive, since his skin is practically flawless.

"Of course! Anything to protect your beautiful skin." He said with a small wink.

"Wow, thank you so much! This ointment works well, my skin already feels better!"

"I'm very well-versed in sunscreens. Vil would just die if he got a sunburn, after all." Rook joked. You both laughed as he walked with you to your next class.

It happened to be your favorite class. Potion making. However, you weren't very good at the subject per say. For many of the projects and assignments, you and Rook would always partner up. He would always lend a helping hand, and made sure that you understood the different recipes and effects of the potions. He knew a lot about potions, since he is the vice dorm leader of Pomefiore. Today's assignment was that you had to make a potion to increase one's strength. 

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