Lilia Vanrouge x Reader - Stargazing

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Specks sunlight peeked through your widow, causing the sun rays to shine over you eyelids. You slowly open your half lidded eyes as you slowly sit up. Your movement shifted the bed, which caused Grim to slowly wake as well. He laid at the end of the bed, where your feet were. He was curled into a ball wanting to go back to sleep.

"Het get up." You say still drowsy as you get out of bed. The cold morning air sent chills down your back.

"Fgnaa, just five more minutes..." Grim whispered. You sighed in response and picked up Grim and slung him over your shoulder. The way he was draped over your shoulder made you think he was made a liquid.

You greet the ghosts a good morning, and started to make breakfast for yourself and Grim. His body would sway back and forth on your shoulder as you were cooking. This caused the ghosts to slightly chuckle. Eventually the scent of food woke him up.

After eating breakfast, you got ready for school. You brushed your teeth, washed your face, did your skincare (with the products Vil gave you of course), and put on your uniform. Grim hopped onto your shoulder, and now you both were ready to go. You say goodbye to the ghosts, and head to the door.

You turned the knob and swung the door open only to be suddenly met with large ruby eyes.

"Why good morning Y/N." He said.

"Gahh!" You and Grim exclaimed as you jump back, surprised by the floating upside down figure.

"My, my, so energetic." He said with a chuckle.

"Lilia!" You exclaimed with irritation. "Why must you scare me so early in the morning."

"Well, I love to see your expressions." He replied causing you to blush. "Now that you're awake and lively, lets head to school shall we."

You all walked to school as you listen to Lilia's stories of variety of things. Mostly on the topic of Malleus. He was always so knowledgable about everything despite his youthful look. To be completely honest, you wonder how Lilia could be so cute. His cuteness is almost blinding.

"Oh? You have been staring at me for a while." He stated as he looks back at you. "Have you noticed something about me?

"Ah well..." You attempt to response with a flushed face.

"Hehehe, did you notice? Today I was able to tie my necktie into a prettier butterfly knot than usual." He said as he puffed his chest out.

"Ah, y-yeah. It looks nice." You replied turning your face away trying to conceal your flustered face.

Lilia grinned in response at you both continued your walk to the school.

"Class is now over. You are dismissed." Professor Trein announced follow by a meow from Lucious. You sigh as you pack your things. Lilia who sat next to you laid his head on the table, and looked a you with toothy grin and his cheek squished against the desk. You look back at him as he was hunched over the table with his arms dangling off the edge.

"Is something the matter Lilia?" You asked.

"Well, you seem to be struggling with magical history, and I can see how it could cause you great distraught. However, even though you are foreign to our realm, you seem to be adjusting quite nicely." He replied. "Learning whole new eras of history from a place you are unfamiliar to is quite commendable. And for that, I shall give you praise." Lilia proceeded to sit up to pat your head. "If you are ever struggling with something, please feel free to come to me for guidance."

You smiled back at him as reassurance wash over your mind. You felt a sense of peace when being with Lilia. Even though he could be quite chaotic sometimes.

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