Daddy Dearest.

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"Okay, so remember..." Your voice harbours a slightly strict tone to it as you fold your arms over your chest, ignoring the small flutter of your heart as you stare down at an observant Sabo. The blonde sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and his eyes staring up into yours as he awaits your continuation. "While dad's here, I can't speak aloud to you, I can't cuddle or kiss you and I certainly can't argue with you. Otherwise I'll be admitted into the insane asylum."

"Heh, I think you'd make a cute psychopath." The blonde playfully chimes, causing an uncontrollable smirk to spread across your lips before you swiftly force yourself to remain stone-faced. 

"Clearly you haven't seen me when I'm angry."

Before Sabo gets the chance to respond, a rheumatic little jingle reaches your ears closely followed by a loud knock at the door. He's here. 

"Okay, remember what I said!" You quickly blurt before hurrying to the front door, you know how your father hates to wait. Upon opening the wooden barrier you come face-to-chest with him, your eyes raising to meet his - he has his hair sliced back as usual and a lit cigar in his mouth but something is different about him today - his eyes especially. 

He looks exhausted. 

"Hey, petal." He calmly greets whilst entering your home, dropping his suitcase immediately and beginning to peel off his coat. "I won't pretend I'm in a chipper mood...airports these days are shit."

"Uh-huh." It would seem daddy dearest has a bad case of jetlag. Without hesitation, you take his coat for him, hanging it on one of the small hooks beside the door before grabbing his suitcase next, ready to take it to his temporary bedroom for him. 

Given the fact that you've been burning money on new furniture, Christmas decorates, presents and food, you'd say you've done quite well to make the guest bedroom look nice. He has grey striped bedding since he's a fan of darker colours, gold on his drawer handles and on his lamp since he also likes that mineral the most and to top it off, you've even invested in a wardrobe in the corner of the bedroom so he can also hang up his suits. Your father is a proud and well-dressed man and likely the only guest you'll have who spends nights here, so you made sure to make him comfortable.

"It's cold in here." He grumbles irritably, walking straight through Sabo in the process, causing the blonde to shudder himself. The boy seemingly attempting to warm himself up by rubbing his arms with his hands while backing up beside you.

"That's the first time a living human has given me the chills." He calmly notes, you've told him that your father owns a casino and isn't to be trifled with but it's only now that you believe he realizes just how fierce your old man can be.

Auras are everything, after all.

Of course, he'd never hurt you. You're his little petal.

So his overall coldness doesn't bother you in the slightest. 

"You just came in from the snow, of course you'll be cold." You playfully mock the older male, pressing your free hand gently to his arm as you pass him to get to the stairs. "I'll take your case up to your room, you go in the living room and warm up by the fire." 

The older gentleman merely grumbling but doing as suggested nonetheless, making his way into the more cosy room whilst Sabo follows you up the stairs, only speaking once you've made your way into the guest room. 

"How long is he staying for?"

"I don't know, dad just comes and goes as he wishes. I'm sure he's staying over Christmas though." Your ghostly lover listening closely to your words, lightly nodding his head in understanding whilst his eyes gaze toward the window, seemingly admiring the snowflakes as they gracefully fall against the glass. 

"He reminds me of my old man." He finally murmurs with a small smile etched into his features, it would seem that he doesn't dislike Crocodile's company, which can't be said for most people.

Suddenly, you find yourself wondering what Sabo's father must have been like...

Edward Negate, huh...

"PETAL!!" You hear your dad's voice breaking into your thoughts through the floorboards, drawing a low sigh from your lips as he continues. "WHERE'S YOUR KETTLE?"

He must want a cup of coffee or tea after his long journey.

"You just stay in the living room, dad! I'll make you a drink!" You yell back, not half as loudly as your old man but still loud enough for him to hear you. 

How on earth am I going to juggle Sabo and this old fart?

Apparently your silent question amuses Sabo at least, the blonde chuckling as he follows you out of the bedroom, chiming a playful "Oh, who knows?" from behind. 

"I'm glad my predicament intrigues you."

He's so lucky he's cute.

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