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A familiar musical tune seeps into your deep slumber, closely followed by a loud knock, the sounds drawing a disgruntled murmur from your lips as your tired eyes struggle to slide open. 

Judging by the horrid brightness of the room, you'd assume you had falling asleep while watching movies with Sabo last night and now it's morning. The blonde in question laying beneath you and still very much asleep, his eyes shut but mouth agape as a small line of drool trickles out the corner of his lips.

I wonder what he's dreaming about...

The question quickly leaves your mind when another knock sounds, you can gather already that somebody is at the front door so taking a half-arsed glance at your clock, you roll out of bed and slip into your dressing gown. long was I asleep for?

Your legs protest as you make your way out of your bedroom and down the stairs, sluggishly rubbing your eyes as you blurt a lazy; "Gimme a second!" upon reaching the door, retrieving the key that's dangling on a hook beside the wooden barrier before beginning to unlock it.

This better be urgent, I do not appreciate being dragged out of bed by anybody!

Though upon opening the door, your eyes widen and you quickly find that it just might have been worth the wake-up call after all. 

Stood before you is a certain brunette, the male looking somewhat tired with his hair tied in a loose bun rather than in the style of a pompadour but you still know that face anywhere.

"H-Hey, Thatch...!" Suddenly you feel so much more conscious about the fact that you're wearing a dressing gown and your hair currently looks as if it has been back-combed, your hands instinctively tugging the gown tighter around your figure as you offer the tall male a nervous smile, it's not that you're indecent under the clothing still feel highly under-dressed considering the eldest brother always appears so formal. 

"G'morning! Sorry if I've caught you at a bad time, I tried to call but I couldn't get through so I thought I'd just try your door since we're making a delivery to Mr. Dracule's house, we have to drive through here anyway so it's no problem for us!" All you can do is simply nod your head in response, your face must be appearing completely blank as your brain struggles to process all the information he had just given you, it's far too early for this. "I was able to work out a deal with one of my employee's last night so we got your olive barstools, you wanted the fabric to be lime green, yes?" 

I asked for those yesterday, at 8pm, how the hell are they done and here only 13 hours later?!

"Heh! Thatch is still a hard worker, it appears." Sabo's airy voice catching your ear, you don't even need to look at him to know he's just woken up also and isn't likely wearing a shirt, a warmth enveloping you as he playfully leans his chin on top of your head, staring up at his brother but unlike Luffy, the brunette doesn't seem to be able to see him.

Or if he does, he hides it well.

"How'd your employee pull this off?" Your voice riddled with bewilderment as you politely move aside, watching a familiar tall blonde with long hair that you had seen working for them before carrying one stool inside, if you remember correctly - his name was Killer. He's closely followed by a younger male carrying the second stool you had ordered, he has purple hair and a slightly grumpy face - judging by his eyes anyway, his mouth and nose is covered by a black face mask. 

"Well, Eustass Kid is our best craftsman, not to sound as if I'm picking favourites. But in short; he wanted to spend today with his girlfriend, apparently they had a nasty fight and he wishes to make amends, so in return for the day off, I had him stay late last night and dye the furniture for you." The brother politely chimes, following his workers into the kitchen and signalling to them where to put the stools with his thumb. You don't miss how his brown eyes scan the room either, a somewhat distant look in his orbs as his brows knit together faintly. "At least we have the opportunity to see how our new employee does, right, Page One?"

Ghost. {Sabo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now