The Attic.

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"And that does it!" You smile to yourself as you hang up the last kitchen decoration from the box of appliances, you've grown a love to diner-themed decor and collected many wall decorations to suit that style over the years. 

Sorting those on top of the toaster, kettle, cutlery and drinking glasses sure took a lot out of your day but the sun hasn't quite set yet.

Your eyes glancing up at the clock as you brace yourself for some further difficulties. 

"It's 5pm already so I don't have much time to work with until the sun goes down." 

Doflamingo wouldn't let you see the attic before you bought the house, he said it was due to the light not working and the fact that it hadn't been maintained in a while.

But he still assured you that it was plenty safe.

At least, it better be if he doesn't want a lawsuit filed against him. 

It would seem your ghostly friend has finally decided to leave you to get on with your work also, he was sat on the kitchen island last you saw him, watching as you unpacked and arranged your decorations but it would seem he has since vanished.

Shrugging his absence off however, you sluggishly walk your way out of the kitchen and through the dining room, making tracks straight up to the stairs. You must tackle this final job before you can finally relax.

Tomorrow you intend to do some shopping for new furniture and you can't do that if you've still got things to sort in the attic. 

Stopping beneath the rectangular door in the ceiling, you frown. You're much too short to reach the metal chain hanging from it, perhaps Sabo could but you haven't got the patience to be searching the house for him, not to mention the fact that the boy will undoubtedly start getting in your way again if you bought his attention to you.

With a low grunt, you stare at the contraption for a moment, pondering on what to do.

It takes mere seconds for a plan to hatch in your brain at least, you take after your father for quick thinking...sometimes.

Strutting away from your current task, you immediately go back down to the kitchen and begin digging around in the drawers, you put something away that could be of use only an hour ago so you're in luck there.

Returning back to the attic, you now have in your hand a tape measure. 

A smirk tugging on your lips as you stretch the metal edge out, hooking it onto the metal handle before slowly pulling it down, causing the ceiling door to open and a ladder to gradually unfold in front of you.

I'm a fucking genius.

Though, you instantly regret taking on this task when you see the thick dust and cobwebs clinging to the ladder's wood, a grimace uncontrollably entering your features as you grab a box of Halloween decorations, slowly and hesitantly making your way up the steps and into the large storage area, your face scrunching up even more at the sight however.

The thick dust particles are flying all around the cold room, causing you to squint and the cobwebs are practically everywhere, it's like nobody has been up here in years. Flicking a small switch stuck to a solid wooden beam, nothing happens, so at least your real estate agent wasn't lying.

This place isn't very well-maintained and the light is broken. 

"Hopefully it's just the bulb that needs replacing, I don't want a faulty wire whilst I'm living here." With a deep and exasperated sigh, you place the Halloween decorations down near the entrance so that they're easy to retrieve when that time of year comes.

What you don't expect is to catch the sight of another box whilst you're up here though, you almost missed it with how dark and dusty it is, it blends in nicely with the rest of the atmosphere.

You hesitantly approach the cardboard container, your eyes scanning the words written on the side underneath all the dirt in black marker pen.

"Newgate family..." You lowly read, getting down on your knees and carefully dragging the box closer, which only causes a large spider to run out from behind it but at least it doesn't trouble you, simply just running toward the other side of the attic instead. "Oh good, another housemate."

The insect definitely makes you wary though, your mind now torturing you with visions of thousands of the creepy crawlies surprising you when you open the box, trailing up your arms and face. 

The thought sends an uncontrollable chill down your spine before you shake your head vigorously, trying to get rid of your wretched imaginations. 

Pull yourself together! 

Obeying your own order, you hastily rip the tape away and begin to open the box up, not giving yourself a chance to overthink and scare yourself again.

The first thing you spot is an unopened envelope, it's turned a little yellow over the years it has been up here but you can still make out the black writing on the front, it's also addressed to the Newgate family.

Was that the name of the doctor who lived here? It must have been years ago!

You can't help but wonder what the story is behind this as you open the envelope, beginning to unfold the paper that was embedded inside, it makes no sense to you why the doctor would leave this behind and you're certain that it isn't Sabo's last name...come to think of it, the boy never said his full name, but the house was burnt down so this must belong to somebody else.

Maybe I should ask Sabo if there was a squatter here at some point.

But you doubt he'll remember.

However, it all begins to make sense when you start to read the letter:

Dear Edward Newgate, 

We were very sorry to hear that your son didn't survive the fire, our crew did what we could to recover personal effects from the ashes. We hear that you're going to rebuild the house so when it's looking more liveable, we'll leave this box on the doorstep for you. 

Again, we are sorry for your loss.

Yours sincerely, 


Grandline fire dept. 

Glancing back down to the box, you notice a photograph sat inside with a worn frame. The wood has been tarnished black but it's not burnt to charcoal at least, the photo consists of five boys; one is tall with brown hair and dark eyes, he has his arm wrapped around another boy with blonde hair which has been mostly shaved. And below them are two younger-looking boys, one with black hair and the other...your eyes widen when you recognise that smile.


He looks a little younger in the photo and his hair is slightly shorter, he has no scar over his eye which is expected since he's obviously very much alive here. And in his arms is an adorable little boy with dark hair, a scar underneath his left eye but his smile is still as bright as the sun. 

Are these his brothers?

"Sabo! Come look at this!"

You're not sure how the box got up here but considering that it was never opened, it's safe to assume the blonde has yet to see it. 

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