Settling In.

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"You're in the way." Your voice sounding somewhat cheerful as you playfully nudge your ghostly housemate, causing him to take a couple of steps back as you carry a box full with Christmas decorations up the stairs.

He might be cute but he's also a nuisance, how many times is he going to block my corridors today?

"I'm bored." The boy pouts whilst following you up to the second floor with his arms folded over his chest, it makes sense how he can tell what you're thinking now at least, he can hear everything.

So much for privacy in my own home.

"Then go and play in the garden, I'm trying to unpack here!" Despite your claims, all you've really managed to do in the last 3 hours is put boxes in order; the decorations must go in the attic, the clothes in your room, towels in the bathroom and kitchen appliances in the kitchen.

Suddenly moving in by yourself seems more like a nightmare than a dream come true.

"Play in the garden? What, you think I'm a toddler or something?"

"Something like that." You mutter with your brows furrowed, sluggishly wiping away some sweat from your forehead using your wrist. "I don't need to mess with the garden so you'll be fully out of the way there."

"Or you could let me help."

"No. I like to know where everything is."

And with that, Sabo sighs and rolls his eyes semi-seriously, his usual smile still tugging on his lips though. "You remind me of somebody."

"Oh yeah? And who might that be?" Immediately, you kick yourself for asking such a thing, you had forgotten the issues with his memory.

Taking a glance at the blonde, you notice his smile has fallen into more of a frown as he hums to himself in deep thought, his index finger tapping his chin impatiently.


"Their name was right on the tip of my tongue..."

"Try to remember them over there then, please?"

I wish I was on the tip of his to--SHUT UP, HE CAN HEAR YOU!

Much to your dismay a cheeky laughter begins to rumble in the blonde's throat as he slips past your small frame, you dare not even turn to follow him with your gaze as he takes a seat on one of the boxes containing your clothes, the box doesn't give way to his weight though so it would seem ghosts are weightless despite being able to touch you.

Taking the chance to get on with your work whilst Sabo is out of the way, you pile the christmas decorations on top of the halloween boxes, you'll have to take them up into the attic later.

With those temporarily out of the way, you make a start on your clothes. 

Picking up a box, one that Sabo hasn't decided to use as a seat, and setting it down on the bed before opening it up and beginning to hang the clothing on a hanger before taking it to the walk-in wardrobe and putting it away neatly. 

It's a very dull cycle; unpack, hang and repeat.

But you suppose if you do all the boring crap first, it'll motivate you to get it done faster since you'll be eager to do the more fun stuff - like choosing where to put your paintings.

You used to collect canvas' back in Vegas and they were gorgeous, of course, but most of them were the same - bright lights or desert-themed. No charisma.

You're excited to do some shopping in the nearby town and get yourself some more works of art.

But first, you must unpack.

You've already had your first night in this new home and you've barely gotten anything done, you were dying to rest your eyes after the stress of moving all the way over here, temporarily living in a motel while picking out a place, they also charged you for the amount of furniture you had to store in your room in that time, jet lag still very much an issue and on top of that, you found out you're now housemates with a fucking ghost.

Who wouldn't need a nap after that?

What really kickstarted your morning though was waking up to find the said-ghost staring at you, apparently boredom had led him to watching you sleep and eagerly waiting for you to wake up. 

How fun. 

Your attention being snapped back to Sabo once again when an odd sound reaches your ears, it sounds as if tape was being ripped from a surface. 

As you might have expected, he was opening the box that he was previously sitting on, a sweet little smile on his face as he glances back at you. "Before you get mad, I'll only put the clothes on the hanger, you can put them away so you'll be able to keep track of what's there~!"

This stubborn little shit really can't just stay still?

"Heh, it runs in the family." A subtle giggle escaping the blonde's lips as he takes one of your jumpers from the box, carrying it over to your bed and putting on a hanger, his touch is noticeably gentle so that he doesn't cause the fabric to tear or anything which makes it much harder for you to be mad at him...not that your jumpers tear easily anyway, you're very picky about the quality of your clothes. 

"Thanks, blondie." You murmur with mild sarcasm in your tone, despite your attitude though you can't quite help the fond smile spreading across your lips, a slight heat causing your cheeks to tingle as the boy grins at you energetically. 

"No problem, petal!"

And just like that, your heart is practically launching out of your chest and your face is rapidly burning up even more.


Naturally, he only chuckles. 

"Sorry, sorry~!" He playfully chimes, setting down your jumper for you to take to the wardrobe when you're ready and making his way back over toward the box to get your next item of clothing, leaving you flustered and pouting in his wake.

He's lucky he's cu--! I can't even think it...I can't do anything!

"Hey," The boy again distracting you from your task as you raise your gaze to meet his, horror immediately setting into your very core when you see just what he's holding and your face burning about as hot as the sun. "Is this yours?"


The object is purple and detailed; about 8 inches long and covered in false veins with a discreet button being disguised as...well, testicles. When you squeeze them, the length of the fake penis begins to vibrate and it's very good for entertaining yourself with when there's nobody around.

Not that you'll likely have that luxury anymore.

"...Y-Yes, that's mine..."

I'm going to kill myself.

"Huh? Well if you do that, it won't solve anything, we'll just both be haunting this house." The blonde carelessly snorts, swiftly making his way over to the drawers beside your bed and opening the bottom one, tucking the sex toy underneath a photograph album you put in the storage unit earlier. "Here, nobody will find it now."


"Heh, it's okay! I had a lot of vulgar comics when I died, luckily for me, the fire burnt them all!"

Although his confession was clearly intended to soothe your anxieties, it only braids the image of the hottie masturbating in your brain, your cheeks burning so red that you can see the bright hue in the corner of your eyes.

Oh god!

Of course, the sight only causes the little troll to giggle in the background whilst your heart does backflips inside your chest.

Shit, I can't stop picturing him playing with himself!

"Ha, you're imagining it? I'm flattered~!"

"Sh-Shut the fuck up!"

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