A Long Night.

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Your feet somewhat drag as you approach your front door, the dusk giving your home a slightly pinkish hue and all around you both, you can hear birds tweeting to each other before they go to bed.

It's almost tranquil...

You and Sabo were speaking to Perona for hours, 5 to be exact, she's actually quite playful when her and Mihawk interact too - the couple would bicker here and there but you could feel that it was all in jest and that there was no real malice behind their words.

It entertained you but also made your heart shrink, you'll never be able to do that with Sabo again after today. 

But your decision is the right thing to do, you cannot let yourself forget that. 

Much to your surprise, Mihawk seemed to eventually warm to your presence also...well, kind of.

When he cooked dinner for himself and Perona, he made a little extra for yourself and Sabo, despite not being able to see your ghostly lover and he even allowed you both to join him and his wife at the dining table. 

Apparently, for a man like Mihawk, it's an extremely nice gesture.

Making your way inside, you begin to head straight for the stairs, hoping to just take a long bath and get some sleep. Of course Sabo is following closely on your tail, you can feel a chill against your palm as he attempts to hold your hand but once again with no luck. 

"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" Not that he even needs to ask, it's written all over your face.


"Petal." Your father's voice suddenly booms from behind, stopping you in your tracks as you reach the fourth step of the staircase, your hand still resting on the banister as you glance over your shoulder at the man. "Where have you been all day? I now see why you don't like shopping around here, the town centre smells like piss and semen." 

Charming as ever, dad.

At least your father's harsh remark brightens Sabo's mood, the blonde snickering as he nods his head in agreement, his sweet eyes glancing down at you as he leans himself lightly against your body, it's his little replacement for holding your hand since the gesture is now impossible for him.

"He's right, y'know, some parts of this town are just plain gross~!" 

Apart of you really doesn't feel like putting on a show and pretending you're in a good mood but...it's Sabo's last day here, you need to be strong and make it fun for him, cry when it's all over.

"Are you alright?" Your father inquires, the man vaguely frowning whilst staring deeply into your eyes as you match his gaze, a sudden grip tightening around your heart as you silently nod your head. 

Why did he have to be so damn observant? 

Well, the man runs a casino, of course he can spot a pokerface from miles away. 

Especially one as terrible as yours. 

"I'm fine, it's just been a long day~!" You chime as enthusiastically as you can, instinctively tilting your head into Sabo's chest for subtle comfort and earning yourself a kiss on the forehead from your handsome ghost. "I just wanna sleep now, if that's okay~?" 

Your father still watches you for a moment, the room suddenly feeling like the antarctic as his dark orbs bore into your very soul until finally he hums in understanding. 

Jesus, what's with him today?

"Very well then." And with that, he turns on his heel, heading back into the kitchen and shuffling around with what sounds like bags...most likely his shopping. 

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