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It is the 24th of April 2019 and I am starting to (seriously) try and edit this story. There are many things wrong with how the story is outlined and written, so I will try my very best to fix everything up for anyone who will read the story after this day. I have to say the story is written in the first person point of view, which I will change to a third person point of view for a cleaner outcome. Bare with me if the editing is slow. Thank you, I appreciate all of you who have supported me throughout the development of this story.

Much love, maliktease.


Jesy Miller was as normal as anyone else, she had dreams, she had hopes, things that made her want to hide and run away from everything, but most of all, she had a burning passion for dancing and making people happy throughout her talent. She was born and raised in London, her parents being brits at heart. She had a happy childhood, her parents always made sure she had everything she needed in order to be happy and thrive as an individual. From a young age, Jesy had a thing for dancing, she would dance by herself to no music, dance in the shower to the music she could hear from the neighbor's house; it all grew out to be her greatest talent. Jesy imagined herself filling stadiums with people and performing along others, she wished to be part of a team, to feel like she belonged somewhere where other individuals loved dancing and music and how it makes you feel, but most of all, respect it and its ways.

Jesy was well-known in school; you would not say she was extremely popular, or anything of the sort, but she had friends, many of them, she had a nice and healthy family and with time, she also got herself a boyfriend, Jack. Jack was in her year, he was slightly older by a few months and he was every girl's dream, he was nice, attentive, charming...he was basically a beautiful soul who wanted to make Jesy happy at all costs. They were the it couple, everybody wanted to be them, or simply date Jesy or date Jack, there was no in-between.

As graduation approached, Jesy kept applying to various art schools to attend once she graduated the hell-hole that is high-school. She had sent out a dozen applications to different schools, but she had her eye on a very specific one, Julliard, and she applied for a full-time scholarship with her marvelous grades. Jesy received the acceptance letter on a Tuesday, and to say she cried is an understatement, she was the happiest she could have ever been at that exact moment; she made it, she got into Julliard.

She wanted to accept so bad, it was her dream since she was a Freshman with acne and boy issues, but she pushed telling Jack about it so far away in her brain that she totally forgot to tell him overall, and now it was the time to either break it or deal with it. Jack has always been very supportive of Jesy's decisions, but something, in the back of her mind, kept telling her he was not going to like it. Leaving to Julliard meant leaving London, and moving to the United States, a hundred miles away from everyone. Jesy was sad, troubled, she did not know how to break the news to Jack.

Jesy could not let that opportunity turn into nothing and disappear into thin air, she had to make a decision and speak out. She decided on following her dreams, and leaving London to attend the prestigious Julliard. Jesy's parents and friends were proud of her, proud of how far she has come and of how she has been constant and hard-working throughout her school years to get such a scholarship. Jack, though...he was a different story. Claiming that Jesy did not love him enough, and that their love did not mean anything to her anymore, Jack flipped. It will always be fresh and vivid how he called her a selfish bitch once she told him the big news. It was not a shocker that Jack broke it off a few days later after not even daring to call Jesy and apologizing, not even a "good luck".

Jesy was devastated, frustrated, how could Jack, a person who claimed to love her unconditionally could act in such a nasty and selfish way? Jesy could not wrap her finger around it, she just did not understand. After a while she (sort of) moved on from Jack, and recovered from that bitter taste that he left after the sound of his name. Jesy packed her belongings and left after a few months, right after graduation. Trying new surrounding was not a part of Jesy's top ten likes, but she had a mindset, she had to be strong and adapt, make the most of the whole experience, and most of all, enjoy it to its fullest.


After four years of struggling and working hard in Julliard, Jesy finally graduated and got her degree. It was one of the most exciting and wholesome moments of her life, and she would not trade it for anything in the world.

Jesy had been thinking of moving to Los Angeles once she was done with college, and so she did, her parents invested in a condo for her, claiming it was a gift for everything she has accomplished. Jesy had no tears left to cry and could not say enough thank you's to show how immensely grateful she was.

Once she completely settled, Jesy made it her mission to get a job in which she could dance, in which she could show-off her talent in the best way possible. After about a month or so of going through the local newspaper to spot job offers that seemed appealing, after applying to a few, she received a call that changed her life for good. And well, that's how she met him...


The prologue had been edited, and it has way more detail than before. I hope you guys like it, and there is many more to come in the upcoming chapters!

PICTURE TO THE SIDE: Dearest Jack Harries.

All the love, maliktease.

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