Part 71- unbelievable.

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Random_XX because she left a review on the previous chapter and even though she said a sentence she made my effing day, so that's why! Lots of love for you, and thanks for the review, love.   

READ ON!    -Chanti x 



I woke up to the bright lights coming from outside my window. I stood up and made myself some coffee. As the hot liquid went down my throat I closed my eyes, savoring it. This made me calm myself a little, but then it came back. Zayn. I sighed and rested my head in my hands. How am I going to fix this? I need someone to help me with this. I picked my phone and dialed the number of the first person that came to my mind.

-Phone Call-



"What's the matter?" 

"I need you to come over, please"

"I'm on my way" 

-End Of Call-

I started to pace around my apartment in complete desesperation. Why did I call him? Haven’t he done enough already? I bit my nails and realized I was still on my pajamas, so I ran to my room. I got in the shower and when I came out there was a knock on the door. I wrapped a towel around my body and rushed to open it, almost tripping with the carpet.

"I came as fast as I-" He cut himself off and his eyes checked me from head to toe. I feel really naked before him, I'm just in a fucking towel, for crying out loud! I hugged myself and blushed.

"Um, I'm gonna finish getting ready" I mumbled before turning around and running to my room.

When I stepped in my room I turned around and saw Tom shake his head while chuckling. I quickly closed the door and finished getting ready. I dressed up with shorts, a shirt and converse.

[A/N: Click on the external link under the book cover to check out the outfit.] 

"So, what's the purpose of your call?" He asked as I sat down next to him. I sighed and looked down at my hands.

"I just- I just need your opinion in all of this, yeah?"

"You really want to know what I think?" I looked at him and slightly nodded.

"You both need to sit down and talk about it" 

"Yeah, but he isn't having any of that, how can I make him listen?" 

"Call him and tell him you want to meet him" He offered.

"He won't pick up, I already tried"


"You know what? I don't want to think about this right now" I shook my head.

"I want to enjoy my day right now"

"You know what calms me down on a stressful day?" He smiled that perfect smile of his.


"I love Pinkberry!" I clapped my hands.

"Let's go, then" He grabbed my hand and lead me to the door. I picked my cell phone and keys, threw them in my bag and closed the door, heading to the elevators. We got in his car and he took off. He turned on the radio and Mirrors came on.

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