Part 69- i need time.

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A/N: This chapters is dedicated to ZaynsterMalik20 THANK YOU SO MUCH for voting for every single chapter so far, and don't be a silent reader, love. Leave a review once in a while xx

READ ON!    -Chanti xx


I shook my head and went back inside, grabbing my phone and lighting up the screen. 

1 message.

My face lit up like a Christmas tree, but when I opened the text my facial expression fell into a frown when I realized it wasn't Zayn. Can you believe it has been nearly twenty-four hours and I haven't heard from him? Is he really that busy? Why can't he just stop for a minute and call me? It hurts like hell. The message's from Perrie, so I rolled my eyes and read it.

From: Perrie

Jesy! I'm so sorry 'bout yesterday, we just signed some autographs and totally forgot you were there. We spent the whole night looking for you. We are so sorry, please forgive us xx

To: Perrie

Don't worry about it! Besides, it's kind of my fault. I left without actually looking for you. 

From: Perrie

Oh, thank God! We're fine, right? And with whom did you left, though?

To: Perrie

Um, a guy…a friend that I met there, no big deal.

From: Perrie

Oh okay. You think Zayn would be okay with it? I mean, he can get a bit jealous...

To: Perrie

I don't think so. Well yeah, he may be a little jealous, but he doesn't have to find out right now... 

From: Perrie

Got it. We'll see you around xx

To: Perrie

Bye x

I sighed and threw the phone on the bed before sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"Where are you, Zayn?" 



I've been so busy lately. There are days I'm so tired I fall asleep in the studio, it's crazy. I haven't called Jesy in forever, which hurts a lot. I haven't seen her in about two days, which is a lot because we literally see each other all the time. 




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