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"You're so sweet" I played with his hair.

"People say that..." He trailed off. (Cocky bastard. I love him so much it hurts.)

"Babe, want to go on a double date with Harry and Megan?" Zayn asked.

"Sure, but when did  Harry and Megan even-" 

"You know Harry's really into Megan, and he wanted to do something special for her, so yeah" 

"Of course I know" I chuckled.

"I guessed you already knew" 

"I need you to help me with something, though"

"I'll do anything" I smiled.

"You have to get Megan ready before-" He looked at his watch.


"What?! But we only have like two hours!" I gasped, throwing my arms to the air in exasperation.

"And? Is that a bad thing?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Of course, you don't understand! We girls need at least three hours to get ready" I got off his lap.

"Well, then go get ready, babe" He chuckled and stood up as well.

"Okay" I got on my tip-toes and gave him a peck.

"I love you!" He yelled.

"I love you, too!"


"Hey, Jesy! What's up?" Megan greeted, flipping the pages of a magazine.

"I'm so glad you're here! Come on, get off that bed and come get ready" I grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

"Wait, what for?" She asked with confusion written all over her face.

"Um, we're going out for dinner. You and I, tonight! So come and get ready" I rambled as I walked to the closet.

"Okay? What about Susie, though?"

"Don't worry about her, I think she's with Niall"


"Are you finished, Megan?" I asked as I slipped on my heels. 

"Almost!" She yelled from the bathroom.

"Hurry up!" 

"Now, are you going to explain to me this 'dinner' you and Megan are having, or what?" Susie raised an eyebrow as she stepped into the room.

"How did you know?" 


"Well, it's not actually only us..." I trailed off.

"Then what?" 

"It's a double date. Harry and Z-" 


"Hush!" I covered her mouth.

"Sorry, but why didn't you tell me before?!"

"It's a surprise and Megan can't know" I answered as I took ahold of my earrings, putting them on.

"This is going to be so epic!" 

"Yeah, but stop being so obvious before she finds out about everything" I rolled my eyes.

"Guys, how do I look?" Susie and I turned around and our jaws immediately dropped.



"Beautiful!" Susie and I said in unison. 

"Do you really think so guys?" She blushed.

"You really look fabulous" I corrected.

"Gorgeous!" Susie added with a clap.

"Stop it, girls" She giggled, turning to the mirror.

"You look beautiful, too, Jesy" She grinned.

"Let's go!" I grabbed Megan's arm and opened the door.

"Wait, Jesy! What's the hurry?" She went inside and grabbed both of our purses.

"Almost forgot it, right?" She smirked.

"Shut up" I blushed. We stepped out of the room and walked down the hall. I was about to text Zayn, but he beat me to it.

From: Z

We're at the beach, can't wait to se you : ) x

To: Z

We are on our way, babe. 

P.S: can't wait either xx

"I think I left my sandals at the beach, mind if we go check?" 

"Can't you get them later?" 

"Er, no. I don't want to lose them" I walked faster. When we got to the beach we couldn't believe our eyes. There's a sand table and two perfectly sculpted couches made out of sand. 

"Jesy" She breathed.


"Surprise!" Harry and Zayn cheeered as the made their way to Megan and I. Harry had a tulip bouquet in hand, handing it to Megan as soon as he greeted her. She gladly received (still shaking, not believing anything.)

"W-what's going on?" Megan stuttered.

"Well, I wanted to know if you were willing to have a double date with me?" Harry asked cutely. There was a silence, but then Megan relaxed and smiled.

"I'd love to" She breathed, making Harry grin and extend his arm, which she took happily.

"Hey, gorgeous" I immediately wrapped my arms around Zayn's neck.

"You and Harry really put interest into this" I smiled warmly.

"I love it"

"I'm glad you like it" He breathed, kissing my forehead.


When we finished eating Megan and Harry went for a walk, while Zayn and I sat on the sand, staring at the ocean.

"Thank you" 

"What for, babe?" Zayn turned to face me completely.

"For everything. For this, for bringing me here this week, for being so thoughtful with me, just- for everything" I breathed.

"You don't have to thank me, baby" He caressed my cheek.

"I'm the one who has to thank you. For changing my whole life, you gave it a 180 degrees turn, and I'll thank you the rest of my life" He rested his forehead with mine.

"I love you, Zayn" I closed my eyes.

"I love you...with all my heart" 

From Hate to Love -EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now