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Jesy and the girls are gathered around in Megan's house expecting the lads anytime soon. Their break has been longed for ages, they all need this break so badly it is almost impossible to fathom the feeling that they are, indeed, having some time off from everything. Working non-stop, interviews, practicing vocals and choreographies, press conferences, LIVE performances, and so on...it has been tough the last couple of months. 

Megan has offered Susie and Jesy San Pellegrino water with lemon, the temperature almost killing them, and Megan's AC does not seem to be doing anything for them. The girls are sprawled in Megan's living room, the couches comfortable and somehow cold to the touch.

"I promise I will fix these AC's as soon as we get back from break" Megan says, fanning herself with her free hand, not wanting any sweat to form on her clean skin. 

"Jesy, I have something to tell you! And it has to do with our little friend here" Susie mentions after a good five minutes of not saying anything at all, as she looks deviously at Megan, who looks like a deer caught in the headlights. 

"Seriously, Susie? Just- shut up!" Megan kicksSusie's leg from where she is sitting, clearly not having it today; it has been a long (hot) day and she does not need Susie to make assumptions and she does not need to get her hopes up

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"Seriously, Susie? Just- shut up!" Megan kicksSusie's leg from where she is sitting, clearly not having it today; it has been a long (hot) day and she does not need Susie to make assumptions and she does not need to get her hopes up.

"I think Harry has a crush on her" 

"No way!" Jesy says, covering her mouth in emphasis, because she was definitely not expecting that, and she has never been happier. The thing is, Megan has had a crush on Harry for a while now, but she has never tried to figure out whether Harry fancies her, too or not. She has treated the situation as if he does not exist, sort of (it has not worked).

"Yes! Is this not news?" Susie giggles, turning to Megan so that she can add something.

"You are just so annoying, Sue" Megan rolls her eyes and sips on her water, minding her own business and trying not to think about the fact that maybe, yes, Harry does like her. 

"What do you bloody mean? She was going to find out, eventually" Susie shrugs, clearly not thinking that Megan is actually annoyed and she wants out. 

"But, what makes you think he likes her?" Jesy adds, getting comfortable and getting her hair in a ponytail to clear it off her face. 

"Why do we not let Megan say it herself?" Susie turns around, facing Megan with a smirk.

"I am not speaking about it, so you may turn back around" Megan crosses her arms over her chest, stubbornly.

"Come on, Megan! For me" Jesy pleads, really wanting to know what happened between one of her best friends and Harry. Megan sighs; is this really her life right now?  

"Nothing really happened, at least nothing major. Last week at rehearsals he would not stop staring at me, as in, every time I looked in his direction he was already staring. It meant nothing, I am sure, since he would just smile and look away. Um, he was also the one who asked me to come on this trip, saying he wants me there" 

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