Part 73- what's going on?

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"Jesy, wait!" 

Anger boiled inside of me. I turned around and slapped him across the face as hard as I could.

"I thought you were better than this, Zayn!" I spat, turning around and running to my car. When I got inside I took off as fast as I could. Tears wouldn't stop falling from my eyes. Wasn't he the one who told me I was wrong? Now who's the cheater?


"Hey, you're back" I raised my head and when Tom saw the tears, his smile faded. I was about to fall to the ground when he caught me.

"Hey, hey, what happened?" He asked as he held me in his arms.

"Come here" He carried me to the bedroom. He layed with me and hugged me tight.

"Are you okay?" He rubbed my back. I cuddled closer to him and closed my eyes.

"Want to tell me what happened?" He lifted my chin with his finger.

I opened my eyes and cleaned my tears.

"He- I found him wi-with Perrie, in bed" I chocked on my own words.

"What?!" He raised his voice.

"They we-were fooling around" I choked up again as tears came back to my eyes, bluring my vision. He hugged me tight and kissed my forehead.

"He's an ass" He soothed.

Tom's so good to me, he's starting to be a very important part of my life, and I love every part of it. I raised my head and pressed my lips firmly to his. He hesitated a bit, but then kissed me back as well. I straddled his laps and when I was about to slip my shirt off he stopped me.

"What are you doing, Jesy?" 

"Please, Tom. I need this" 

"No, Jesy. You're just doing this because you want Zayn to feel what you felt" I looked down and got off him.

"You're right" I shook my head.

"I-I'm sorry" 

"Don't be, I know you're hurt" He cupped my face and caressed my cheek.

"Now come on, give me a smile" I shook my head stubbornly.

"Come on, Jes! Don't give Zayn the satisfaction of seeing you like this" He looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Now come on, spark that baby" He poked my belly playfully.

"Stop it" I pushed him away, giggling.

He kept poking me harder making it tickle.

"Tom, stop it!"  He continued, but now with both hands. 

"Tom!" I laughed hard. He rolled us over, so now he's on top of me.


"That's the smile I love" He smiled sweetly down at me.

I blushed wildly. He leaned down and kissed me softly making me melt instantly. I grasped the hairs in the back of his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. After a while of kissing softly, but hotly we pulled apart to regain our breaths.

"That was- something" I breathed heavily.

"Yeah" He got off me and went to the door.

"I should probably get going" 

"What? No! Please stay with me, you can sleep here, too" I rambled as I stood up and hugged him tight, not wanting to let go. Ever.

"I just need someone, please" I closed my eyes, inhaling his amazing scent.

"Fine" He sighed.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"Not a problem" He caressed my cheek softly.



"Fuck" I breathed as I sat on the couch. I'm such an idiot, how could I let this happen?


"Come on, let's get out of here" Perrie said and grabbed my hand.

We went to her car and she drove back to mine.


"Come on, you need to take a shower and finish getting rid of that thing on your hair" She laughed as she went up the stairs to my bedroom. I sighed and looked down.

"Oh, come on! Smile!" She tickled me.

"Stop it" I backed off.

She kept doing it, and then I felt myself fall to bed with Perrie on top. She stopped smiling and when she was about to kiss me I rolled us over to stop her from doing so. That's so not happening again.

"Oh" She giggled.


My head shot to the door to see Jesy.

"You know what? I hope you guys are happy now, I hope you enjoy your night" She said before turning around and slamming the door.

"Jesy!" I yelled as I got up and followed her.

"Jesy, wait!" I grabbed her arm.

She turned around and slapped me hard. I grabbed my face in shock, without being able to speak.

"I thought you were better than this Zayn!" She spat before running to the door, slamming it in process.


I sat on the couch with my face in my hands. This is all screwed up, and it's my entire fault.


A/N: Hey, guys! ANOTHER CHAPTER, wow. So, how are you guys coping with all of this? These chapters are crazy, I know. Jesy what are you doing!? You're acting like a whore! Either way, over 28,000 reads, people. Holy cow balls, I can't breathe! Four or five chapters left till the end. 

Picture to the side: "Please, Tom. I need this" 

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