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"I should get going, it's getting late" I mumbled once we were back inside Zayn's place.

"Don't leave me" He pouted.

"You know I don't want to leave you, but I have to" I sighed.

"I know" 

"I love you, okay?" I caressed his cheek.

"I love you, more" He cupped my waist and pulled me in for a soft kiss. When we pulled away I took my purse and went to the door. Zayn walked me to my car, and opened the door for me.


Today practice went smoother, since I finally learned the choreography I was missing. We are leaving on Monday to kick off the tour once again. When practice was over I went straight home because I need to pack. There was a knock on the door as I was arranging my underwear inside the suitcase. 

"Zaaayyyynnnn" I ran to the door, knowing it's probably Zayn.

"Baby!" I squealed as I opened the door. (Sammy.)

"Oh, it's only you" I poker-faced her.

"Shit, nice to see you, too" She rolled her eyes at me.

"Hey!" I grinned, hugging her tight.

"What are you up to?"

"I'm packing for the tour" I let her in and walked back to my room.

"Need any help?"



Waiting for Megan and Susie to pick me up feels like an eternity. I've been feeling so anxious for the last couple of days because of the tour. I really hope things go the right way this time.

"I'll be there in a minute" I hang up after receiving a call from Susie.

"Hey girls" I greet after placing my suitcase in the trunk, and sitting on the backseat.

"Hey, doll" They said in unison. It wasn't a long trip to the airport, when we got there we gave our suitcases to a staff member.

"Looks like the lads aren't here yet" I looked around.

"I can't wait to see Harry" Megan grinned, and clapped her hands.

"I can't wait to see Niall" Susie sighed happily. I was about to open my mouth when I was interrupted my Susie and Megan.

"Yeah, we know you can't wait to see Zayn" I smiled widely and shook my head.


"We killed practice!" Megan yelled as everybody cheered. The show is in two hours, and I'm quite nervous. I went to my dressing room to relax a little with Zayn hot on my toes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked once he noticed I was acting weird.

"It's just- I'm really nervous"

"That's normal, but you don't have to be. You'll do great, you'll see" 


"People, thirty seconds!" Paul yelled.

"The video's playing, here we go" Louis jumped up and down.

"Okay girls, it's our turn" We hugged tightly one last time before running outside.



"Finally, California!" Louis yelled dramatically once we stepped out of the jet. 

"It's good to be back home" I added.

"Yeah, it is" Zayn nodded, leaving a kiss on my forehead.


Zayn drove me back home, since he offered to help me unpack, isn't he amazing?

"Here we are" I opened the door to my apartment.

"Thank you for staying" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"No problem" He said as he yawned.

"Sleepy?" I caressed his face, and he stayed quiet. He really is, he has bags under his eyes, and can barely keep his eyes open.

"Come on" I led him to my bedroom, and helped him lay down, shutting the lights off afterwards.

"But, I promised I would help you unpack" He sat up.

"I'll unpack later, but right now you really need to rest, we have a party tonight, remember?" Tonight Liam is throwing an end-of-the-tour party. 


"But nothing, sir" I took his shoes off and tucked him under the sheets. I walked to the door, and once I turned around he was already asleep, snoring cutely

"Poor thing" I sighed as I went back to him and pecked his forehead softly. 

"I love you" I whispered and went out of the room.


"Hey, love" I greeted as I stirred some coffee for him now that he's awake.

"Hey" He stretched his arms and gave me a peck.

"How did you sleep?" I handed him his coffee.

"Fine, actually. I had a very good dream" He came closer, placing the mug on the night-stand.

"Yeah, what was it about?" I smirked.

"Well, it was about a beautiful girl, with this amazing body, long hair, and a pair of lips I love to kiss" He kissed my shoulder.

"I might me jealous" I hummed, and he chuckled, gaving me another kiss, this time on the lips.

"Let's get ready for the party, then"



"Hey guys!" Niall greeted Zayn and I.

"Hey, Nialler" I grinned.


"Liam!" I hugged him tight.

"Hey, Jesy" Cheryl gave me a hug.

"Hey, its been a while" I chuckled.

"I love your house, it's very nice" I complimented.

"Thank you" Liam grinned, placing his hand on the small of Cheryl's back.

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