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"Zayn!" Harry cheers as they arrive one hour and fifteen minutes later to the party, for no apparent reason. Zayn shakes his head in disbelief, and approaches them, smiling wide and bright at their favorite people in the world. 

"We missed you!" Niall adds, swinging his arm around Zayn's shoulders.

"I mean, it has been a couple of hours, but I missed you, too" Zayn chuckles, shaking his head at his boys. 

"Guys , you have met Jesy" He jokes, Jesy rolling her eyes at him and his dork-ness. She waves awkwardly, still not used to talking to the lads so much; they are all so intimidating.




"Where the hell are you, guys?" Jesy asks Sammy since they are still nowhere to be found, and the party has been going on for about two full hours. 

"We are almost there! Calm yo' tits, Jes" Sammy fakes a horrible American accent. 

"Hey! That is very rude, but okay, fine" She sighs, really needing her best friend next to her at the moment. 

"Oh! One more thing!" Jesy adds.

"Yes, Jesy?" Sammy asks, clearly annoyed.

"I forgot to tell you guys something..." 

"What is it?" 

"Um, I forgot to tell you that the lads are here"

"The lads?"

"As in, One Di-" 

"WHAT?!" Sammy half squealed, half yelled.

"Bollocks! Could you not say anything earlier? We look like absolute rubbish!" Sammy snaps, the other girls dying to know what the hell is going on, but still oblivious to the whole situation.

"I forgot" Jesy smirks (call this a well-deserved revenge).

"How could you!?" 

"What is it, Sammy?" Paula was heard in the background.

"Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall, and Louis are, in fact, at the bloody party!" All the girls yell in unison, asking Jesy why she did not say anything or why she was such a horrible ogre, and honestly, it was all too amusing, and Jesy could not stop laughing at her friend's antics. Jesy had to take the phone away from her ear as her friends kept yelling for answers. 

"Girls, calm down!" 

"How can you expect us to calm down, Jesy?" Melissa takes the phone this time, clearly not having it. 

"Well, you better behave yourselves here, okay?" Jesy warns, a little scared of their friend's throwing themselves at the boys, because well, how could they not?

"I do not think we will be able to control our bodies, but we will certainly try, for your sake" Sammy finishes.

"I do not think we will be able to control our bodies, but we will certainly try, for your sake" Sammy finishes

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