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Before Jesy could escape from unwanted drama, Zayn grabbed her wrist, pulling her back towards his chest, and she does not think that was hot, not at all. Jesy is starting to feel trapped and nauseous, Zayn's smell attacks her nostrils, a mixture of tobacco and expensive light cologne invading her senses, she breathes in, wanting the smell to linger on her mind for as long as possible, but the sound of the music around her snaps her out of her trance.

"Oh! You think I did not see you with that chick in the hall? I did, okay?! And I am sorry to break it off to you, but I am not going to be one of your many girls so you can add me to your collection and then brag about it, and screw me o-" Jesy's unattractive rambling was cut off by Zayn's lips crashing desperately into hers in a messy kiss, the taste of good quality Whiskey and cinnamon taking over her sanity and judgement, the need of having Zayn louder than ever. 

Jesy tried pushing Zayn away, but he kept her in place with his strong arms ever so slightly and softly wrapping around her waist. What came over Jesy is indescribable, she sighed internally, but eventually kissed back, because that is what she (secretly) wants. Jesy let go of every fiber of her body that kept telling her kidding Zayn was wrong, that liking him was wrong, that he would pull a Jack on her, or even worst..she was having none of it, it was purely ZaynZaynZayn and she was not minding at all. Lastly, she wrapped her arms around Zayn's soft neck, wanting to feel more of him, wanting to (impossibly) feel the ink forever imprinted on his body, wanting his body heat to hit her in a certain way. All the beats were off, and Jesy is all in.



Jesy woke up with a killer migraine and a sore back, her eyes stung and she has never felt as shitty as she does now...club life is definitely not for her. The was still wearing the dress from last night, and her makeup was smudged, she look horrible and it was actually a funny sight after a while (if you were still drunk). When she made a move to sit down, her head began to pound more than ever, and she groaned in pain, nausea taking over her as soon as she moved. Jesy stood up, running towards the bathroom, facing the toilet. After a minute, she ran a hand along her wavy, messed up hair and sat down on the tiled floor, thinking: what the fuck happened?

As the breathed in some fresh air, the memories started to come back like tidal waves, desperate to drown her intro oblivion. She recalls meeting with Zayn face to face last night, she recalls when he kissed her, but not just that, she kissed him back...and liking it, a lot. 


The next Monday, when Jesy walked inside the studio she was received in the main entrance by Zayn talking to Sean (one of the stage managers), so she took the opportunity to flee the scene, walking straight into her dressing room, wanting to avoid the raven-haired boy at all costs and just forget the kiss happened whatsoever. 


"Shit" Jesy rolls her eyes, but still turns around, putting up her I-have-everything-working-just-fine-thanks face.

"Did you lost something?" 

"You didn't say hi, that is all..." Zayn trailed off, suddenly sounding regretful and hurt. Jesy can not pinpoint right now what it is about Zayn that looks completely different today, and she cannot help but notice how good he looks, and how cute he is being right now. 

"And why would I do that?"

"And why would I do that?"

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